New Member
Hi all.
I'm new and would like nothing but to lurk every page here while at work but I'm hoping you can save me some headache and get right to the meat or give me some links to get up to speed. I'm not a coder, but i have stayed at a Holiday Inn a few times....Otherwise, I'm pretty savvy with computers and have both a Macbook Pro and a Vista at my disposal. I rooted my Palm and overclocked it for a bit, but it eat up the battery....mostly I just played with loading "pre-made" tweaks that were simple to load on a rooted (called Homebrew in Palm world) Palm. I enjoyed things like removing the Verizon banner, adding a tweak that allowed 16 apps on a page (card) vs just 12....battery % vs a symbol, etc, etc ...little tweaks here and there that made having a Homebrew Palm fun. Well, that was fun but the hardware suked arse. The OS was awesome but the Also I'm a huge fan of location based apps and Vzw crippled the GPS in the Palm unless you used their $10/month Nav service...NOT. The main reason I got the phone was the free 5gigs of wifi teather/hotspot to use with my iPad.
The deal breaker was when at the Daytona 500 last weekend, I wanted to upload photos to facebook, use foursquare, etc and was unable to just wouldn’t do what I wanted yesterday I grabbed a used Vzw Droid 2 from Craigslist. It was listed as rooted. I didn’t need it to be, but the draw was the option list for wifi tethering.
Well, after verifying the ESN was good and transferring it to my account, the phone went through a "reboot" ...when it was over the kid said the Root was still on it and pointed to the icon for "Superuser" but said it wiped out the wifi tether app....said it was no biggy, "just google it, grab it, install it to external memory..also said to get "appinstaller" from marketplace and use that to install" was all very quick standing there in the Best Buy parking lot, but I wasn’t all that concerned.
However, when I got home and began to research all this, it appeared I needed to know my root version .... I CAN NOT figure this out ....I know I'm running Andriod 2.2 but when I press the app labled "Superuser Permission" it opens to a blank black screen with no options???
The "kid" said I would be looking for an "apk" file for the wifi tether....I found in the official wifi-thether page on Google, but it lists 5 or 6 versions of the apk based on which Root version you have. (ie ..for Root Users 2.0.2, or ...for Root Users 2.0.5, etc, etc)
I'm only a day into this phone, and wonder if I should RESET the phone and start fresh with a root that I know where it came from or what. There is nothing I care about on the phone or flash memory I must have .....should I blow up the phone and start over?
Or do I have a good base and just need some pushing in the right direction (links to detailed newb user guide) to get me up and running with wifi-tether and other "tweaks".
Finally, let me give a list of what is on there and maybe you can let me know what’s bloat and what isn’t.
Listed in no particular order:
3G Mobile Hotspot (square green icon)
Alarm & Timer
Amazon MP3 ( I will NEVER use this)
AppInstaller (I installed that first per prior owners suggestion)
Backup Assistant (any good? does it cost anything)
Browser (obvious)
DLNA (cant get it to work well with my PS3 so far)
Dropbox ( i installed that)
Files (?)
Foursquare (i installed)
Gallery (obvious)
Gmail (which is my mail server so do I need "Email"?)
Kindle (won’t use, have a iPad)
Media Server (what makes this diff then DLNA)
My AccountsNavigation
NetQFree ( i installed)
News and weather (why 2 "news apps"?)
NFS Shift
Skype Mobile
Social Networking ( do I need this if I have FB app?)
Superuser Permission
Talk (is this google "chat")
Text Messaging
Voice Command
Voice Search
VZ Navigator (I HATE this)
YouTube (obvious)
Regarding the 3g Mobile Hotspot App ....was this possibly installed during the "data download" when I was switching the ESN to my account? See, I had the Vzw hotspot feature on my Palm Pre+ with 5 gigs/month free, but it was a promotion attached for just that phone...I cant imagine they would transfer that promotion to my Andriod...I have a feeling if I use that and connect my iPad....I'm going to be billed
I'm new and would like nothing but to lurk every page here while at work but I'm hoping you can save me some headache and get right to the meat or give me some links to get up to speed. I'm not a coder, but i have stayed at a Holiday Inn a few times....Otherwise, I'm pretty savvy with computers and have both a Macbook Pro and a Vista at my disposal. I rooted my Palm and overclocked it for a bit, but it eat up the battery....mostly I just played with loading "pre-made" tweaks that were simple to load on a rooted (called Homebrew in Palm world) Palm. I enjoyed things like removing the Verizon banner, adding a tweak that allowed 16 apps on a page (card) vs just 12....battery % vs a symbol, etc, etc ...little tweaks here and there that made having a Homebrew Palm fun. Well, that was fun but the hardware suked arse. The OS was awesome but the Also I'm a huge fan of location based apps and Vzw crippled the GPS in the Palm unless you used their $10/month Nav service...NOT. The main reason I got the phone was the free 5gigs of wifi teather/hotspot to use with my iPad.
The deal breaker was when at the Daytona 500 last weekend, I wanted to upload photos to facebook, use foursquare, etc and was unable to just wouldn’t do what I wanted yesterday I grabbed a used Vzw Droid 2 from Craigslist. It was listed as rooted. I didn’t need it to be, but the draw was the option list for wifi tethering.
Well, after verifying the ESN was good and transferring it to my account, the phone went through a "reboot" ...when it was over the kid said the Root was still on it and pointed to the icon for "Superuser" but said it wiped out the wifi tether app....said it was no biggy, "just google it, grab it, install it to external memory..also said to get "appinstaller" from marketplace and use that to install" was all very quick standing there in the Best Buy parking lot, but I wasn’t all that concerned.
However, when I got home and began to research all this, it appeared I needed to know my root version .... I CAN NOT figure this out ....I know I'm running Andriod 2.2 but when I press the app labled "Superuser Permission" it opens to a blank black screen with no options???
The "kid" said I would be looking for an "apk" file for the wifi tether....I found in the official wifi-thether page on Google, but it lists 5 or 6 versions of the apk based on which Root version you have. (ie ..for Root Users 2.0.2, or ...for Root Users 2.0.5, etc, etc)
I'm only a day into this phone, and wonder if I should RESET the phone and start fresh with a root that I know where it came from or what. There is nothing I care about on the phone or flash memory I must have .....should I blow up the phone and start over?
Or do I have a good base and just need some pushing in the right direction (links to detailed newb user guide) to get me up and running with wifi-tether and other "tweaks".
Finally, let me give a list of what is on there and maybe you can let me know what’s bloat and what isn’t.
Listed in no particular order:
3G Mobile Hotspot (square green icon)
Alarm & Timer
Amazon MP3 ( I will NEVER use this)
AppInstaller (I installed that first per prior owners suggestion)
Backup Assistant (any good? does it cost anything)
Browser (obvious)
DLNA (cant get it to work well with my PS3 so far)
Dropbox ( i installed that)
Files (?)
Foursquare (i installed)
Gallery (obvious)
Gmail (which is my mail server so do I need "Email"?)
Kindle (won’t use, have a iPad)
Media Server (what makes this diff then DLNA)
My AccountsNavigation
NetQFree ( i installed)
News and weather (why 2 "news apps"?)
NFS Shift
Skype Mobile
Social Networking ( do I need this if I have FB app?)
Superuser Permission
Talk (is this google "chat")
Text Messaging
Voice Command
Voice Search
VZ Navigator (I HATE this)
YouTube (obvious)
Regarding the 3g Mobile Hotspot App ....was this possibly installed during the "data download" when I was switching the ESN to my account? See, I had the Vzw hotspot feature on my Palm Pre+ with 5 gigs/month free, but it was a promotion attached for just that phone...I cant imagine they would transfer that promotion to my Andriod...I have a feeling if I use that and connect my iPad....I'm going to be billed