Motorola Droid


Dec 25, 2009
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
Motorola Droid Earpiece doesn't work

The earpiece on my Motorola Droid spontaneously stopped working. It was working Sunday, and then last night it mysteriously wasn't. I have to be on speaker to make or receive a call. I'm thinking it's probably a hardware problem and will require a replacement, but I figured I'd post here first to see if anyone has any bright ideas. Thanks for any suggestions.
Yes, I don't think there's an option anywhere to turn off the earpiece. Sounds like hardware.. Take it in, and pray you get a Droid X!
I think I'll just deal with it for a while. Wait until after the Droid 2 is out for a while and see if I'm lucky enough to get that instead.

Is there any chance wiping data and/or cache, or flashing a new rom and/or kernel would fix it? I hadn't flashed a new rom or anything for a while when this started happening, so I doubt that has anything to do with it though...Most likely hardware failure.
I don't think that really has anything to do with it, but who knows. Might as well give it a shot.
Do you use headsets with your Droid? You may be stuck in headset mode. Just stick the headsets in and out of the jack and see if that doesn't fix it Try it several times.

FWIW if you do have it replaced they will not give you an upgrade. It will just be a refurbished Droid.
Yes, I don't think there's an option anywhere to turn off the earpiece.

Surprisingly, there is. However; I can't find this volume setting within the standard Android system menus.
But within my app "Audio Manager", there's an option called "Voice call Volume" which I can raise and lower (all the way down to 0) that directly affects the volume of my Droid's earpiece speaker.

A couple of times, I used the "Mute" all feature in Audio Manager and couldn't hear anything on a call, until I realized I needed to raise the Voice Call Volume up again.

So somewhere in the stock Android menus, there must be a setting for call volume, but I can't find it!

...check to see if the call volume setting is all the way down!!
(You could always install Audio Manager or a similar app to check this setting as well if you can't find it in the Androiid menus.)

Yeah, the headset thing has happened to me before. It's not that Tried put headphones in and out a few times already. Plus music still plays over speaker. And my in-call volume is all the way up. Thanks for the suggestions though.

Yah I know they won't give me an upgrade, but I can at least hope :p
Yeah, the headset thing has happened to me before. It's not that Tried put headphones in and out a few times already. Plus music still plays over speaker. And my in-call volume is all the way up. Thanks for the suggestions though.

Yah I know they won't give me an upgrade, but I can at least hope :p

OK….Just wanted to make sure you didn't get your hopes up too high.;)