Motorola Droid hurts Palm

Google will definitely not buy Palm. The quoted message at the top says why google should buy Palm... not why it shouldn't.

This is not a matter of simply handing cash to the CEO of Palm. It's much more difficult than that.

Obviously something has happened to cause them to lose that money. Google does not want to lose that sort of money so whatever the reason of the loss of that money means that Palm's patents did not make them any money.

Palm may have a lot of patents but Palm lost money so their first idea should be to implement their patents into their products.
(My guess is they already have implemented most of their patents so they need more)

Google buying Palm would be pretty cool but in my opinion not to logical.
Total agreement.

webOS is the best Mobile OS hands down, I cant deny that. If Google bought Palm and merged Android with webOS it would be AMAZING

I have the Palm Pre Plus for my company cell and a Motor Droid for my personal. I dropped my BB Storm like a ton of bricks when I got my Droid. I would have to say that if Droid did not exist, I would be living on my Pre. A co-worker of mine has her pixi for work and Eris for personal, she would agree with me that palm is a great 2nd best.

If Google had Palm's portfolio and used the technology in android (Cards & Synergy, etc.,) they could crush apple in court and in the market.

(Plus I would like to see some android in the WebOS like the Widgets. Perhaps WebOS could be the "Lite" or "amateur" version of Android???)
Google will definitely not buy Palm. The quoted message at the top says why google should buy Palm... not why it shouldn't.

This is not a matter of simply handing cash to the CEO of Palm. It's much more difficult than that.

Obviously something has happened to cause them to lose that money. Google does not want to lose that sort of money so whatever the reason of the loss of that money means that Palm's patents did not make them any money.

Palm may have a lot of patents but Palm lost money so their first idea should be to implement their patents into their products.
(My guess is they already have implemented most of their patents so they need more)

Google buying Palm would be pretty cool but in my opinion not to logical.

You don't know what youre talking about. It's not that Palms patents didn't make them money... They did, for 15 year they made them lots and lots of money. But now that Google had better marketing and a better carrier than Palm, that is why they have fallen to a low, not because of their patents. A product is a sum of it's parts... not just one thing... like patents.

If you take an already sucessful device, and add to it, it will only become better. So I disagree with you when you say Palm needs more patents. They need better marketing, and a better footing in a carrier that will back them up, and not sluff them off behind Apples crap.
And to add a little to what I just posted:
Why do you think Apple is successful with the iPhone? It's not because of the operating system, or fancy features. It's because they took an already successful piece of crap, the ipod, and added a phone feature to it, and made it work nicely with iTunes. Hardware wise, it's a piece of junk.

Why is the Droid successful. One word, Verizon. You think the android is better than the N900 and Maemo? Hell freaking no. Maemo will eat the Android OS for lunch, and crap it out for dinner. It's got flash, and the full version mind you running on it natively. (That's just one of many things) But why is the N900 not successful.. because it doesn't have a carrier in the states to market it, and subsidize it for the masses. It's too expensive, and nobody has even heard of it. But it's a superior device.

Anyway, the moral of the story is.. just because you have a great device, (palm Pre) doesn't mean it's the fault of the company that built it, or because they need more patents. It's the sum of all parts, (marketing, carriers, gimicks(itunes), even rumors and hype that are generated off boards like this one)
Google will definitely not buy Palm. The quoted message at the top says why google should buy Palm... not why it shouldn't.

This is not a matter of simply handing cash to the CEO of Palm. It's much more difficult than that.

Obviously something has happened to cause them to lose that money. Google does not want to lose that sort of money so whatever the reason of the loss of that money means that Palm's patents did not make them any money.

Palm may have a lot of patents but Palm lost money so their first idea should be to implement their patents into their products.
(My guess is they already have implemented most of their patents so they need more)

Google buying Palm would be pretty cool but in my opinion not to logical.
the main point in google buying palm would be aquisition of palm's patent catalog, which would be far more than enough to get apple to think twice about attacking cell phone makers over their own illegitimate and overly broad patents.
seriously, apple just filed patents for "walkie-talkie functionality" and "spontaneous social networks". sorry, too late, they're called "Push-to-Talk" and "Google Buzz"
When I saw the thread title I was going to say hell yeah it does, when I play Homerun Battle 3D for too long.
Hey guys I got say I had PAM PRE for Sprint since it came out until Christmas and I gotta say that WEB OS operating system is awesome and one of my favorites, but..............

Droid has way more APPS and you can do even more customization then any other phone I have ever own and I love it that you can add widgets to a screen.

My opinion is if Droid could bring over the CARD VIEW technology PALM uses, wow this OS would be even more amazing then it already is.

WEB OS is not a bad OS at all, it just launched at the wrong time and PALM did a very poor job advertising.
Google aims to conquer all. We'll have to start calling them GoogleSoft when they buy everyone out and create their own substitutes, thus monopolizing the market as well. No laws will be able to stop them though; they'll have a patent on the software that was used to write the laws. :)

Palm has been TERMINATED. Next Target: Apple iPhone

Google will become self-aware December 21, 2012. :motdroidvert:

Wouldn't surprise me if Google turns into Skynet and starts nuking the human population...:icon_eek:
Web OS is just awesome. I'd love to see Google get it and maybe even adopt the more open HTML5/CSS application development model that Palm uses.
Google will definitely not buy Palm. The quoted message at the top says why google should buy Palm... not why it shouldn't.

This is not a matter of simply handing cash to the CEO of Palm. It's much more difficult than that.

Obviously something has happened to cause them to lose that money. Google does not want to lose that sort of money so whatever the reason of the loss of that money means that Palm's patents did not make them any money.

Palm may have a lot of patents but Palm lost money so their first idea should be to implement their patents into their products.
(My guess is they already have implemented most of their patents so they need more)

Google buying Palm would be pretty cool but in my opinion not to logical.

I do believe that Palm's patents and inside knowledge would be very valuable to Google. Palm doesn't necessarily fail because it has inferior products. Marketing, timing, consumer perception etc. is a big part. You can have a great product and still go down if a competitor has a comparably good product, but is better at marketing it.

And I do agree with an earlier post that it starts to make me uneasy how Google is expanding and expanding and hosting (and thereby controlling) an ever increasing part of my information....
I mean, all these apps like Google Goggles, as cool as they are, they were not developed by Google. They just buy whatever fits into their program. And since they have a mountain of cash, they can send everybody else packing.
Kinda reminds me of the rise (and fall??) of Starbucks. First they were great, brought quality coffee to corners of the US where 10-beans-to-a-pot coffee was the best you could hope for.
But then they started to kill independent, small coffee shops in good locations by the hundreds or thousands, intentionally smothering the competition so they could control the market. That's when they lost me as a customer.
Or think of - forgive me for mentioning the name: Microsoft
Monoculture is devastating for the environment - any environment.
In that sense I would hate to see Palm getting gobbled up. No matter who does it.
Am I the only one that at first had the passing thought that this might not have anything to do with the company, Palm?
webOS is the best Mobile OS hands down, I cant deny that. If Google bought Palm and merged Android with webOS it would be AMAZING

I have the Palm Pre Plus for my company cell and a Motor Droid for my personal. I dropped my BB Storm like a ton of bricks when I got my Droid. I would have to say that if Droid did not exist, I would be living on my Pre. A co-worker of mine has her pixi for work and Eris for personal, she would agree with me that palm is a great 2nd best.

If Google had Palm's portfolio and used the technology in android (Cards & Synergy, etc.,) they could crush apple in court and in the market.

(Plus I would like to see some android in the WebOS like the Widgets. Perhaps WebOS could be the "Lite" or "amateur" version of Android???)

The problem is not with the WebOS, it is with the hardware. A small thick phone does not cut it anymore. You need to have a larger screen than 3.1" and a bigger resolution than 320x480. Everyone wants small and thin, not thick. Yes, the marketplace is where it is at, but who cares if you can get to a webpage that will do the same thing with flash or HTML5. Apps will eventually become mobile webpages that people actually want to go to as apps is counter-intuitive due to space requirements and speeds getting faster with 4G networks.

Mobile App or Browser-Based Site? Report Says The Browser Will Win on Mobile

WebOS is actually the best mobile OS out there, but widgets are a great addition for Android phones. If you have never checked out the WebOS, I would encourage you to. It runs smooth and really looks nice and is very easy to use and yes, it fully supports home-brew apps and modding of the phone. Believe it or not, WebOS and Android are very similar, as both run off of a linux base, then there is a Java layer right on top of that to run your apps.

Complete Guide to Smart Phone Operating Systems – Palm, Apple, Blackberry, Android, Windows Comparison Test -

While I completely agree that the acquisition of Palm by Google would be nice for the patents and yes, WebOS, I doubt it will happen. Palm would want too much of a premium for their company. I also have to disagree with the great product that the CEO claims. The hardware effectively makes this product unusable in todays world, unless you are a female, which is exactly what the Palm was originally meant to be directed to.