Can any1 please tell me y i cant wifi bor has the evo and my ps3 pickd it up right away but with my phone wifi tether it wont c it at all when i scan 4it
What i was trying to say is that i have a moto droid running the 2.2 update, im wanna wifi tether but i never has an access point on my ps3. My brother has a EVO and my ps3 can find his tether with no probs. I have rooted my phone with easyroot. I really dont kno what i can do so that i can wifi tether my phone with my ps3. Can you help me please
Moto droid will not have the tether option in the Wireless setting section. To WIFI tether using Moto Droid have you use a thirg party app like Wireless Tether from the market. Also Moto Droid can only use WIFI tether in Ad-Hoc mode. This is why your PS3 will never see your Moto Droids tethered connection.