Moto 360 Sport Pulled from Google Play Store


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It looks like the Nexus 9 is not the only device that has been ousted from the Google Play Store. The Moto 360 Sport is no longer available on the Play Store either. You can still find the device fro sale from Amazon and from Motorola themselves, but apparently sales were so lackluster that it no longer deserves a spot on the Play Store.

To be clear, the Moto 360 Sport image and details are still at the Play Store landing page. There is simply a header which states "this devices is no longer available in your country," and there is no way to order one. This is obviously a bit different than the Nexus 9 which was completely erased from the Play Store in any form. Sill, the writing is on the wall that it probably won't be returning.

What's really surprising is how fast it was pulled. The Moto 360 Sport was only launched in January of this year. Perhaps its $300 dollar price tag simply proved too off-putting for most consumers.
the price tag and the lackluster performance of it. I was tempted to get one until reviews came back.
the price tag and the lackluster performance of it. I was tempted to get one until reviews came back.

This! Really wanted one but after the reviews I decided to stick with my 360 Gen 1 with the silicon band.
I like mine, still learning how to use it. A couple of weightlifting apps look promising, and one I've used is pretty handy (though I've not mastered use leaving my phone at home - latest Androidwear is supposed to allow for that).

Still can't load music onto it, which is my only real complaint. It may be an issue caused by other music on my phone, or simply too much music uploaded to my Google Music account. So I also can't vouch for bluetooth music streaming very much (heard that's an issue).

Haven't tried the GPS, yet. The heart rate monitor appears to be [surprisingly] generally accurate. It will give you false readings on occasion, but I would say on average over 30 minutes it's consistent with what an elliptical machine's HRM would tell you