I have had the Droid X for almost 2 years. Longest I've had one phone. A little over a year ago, i dropped it face down in mud, all I had on it was a clear screen protector. Wiped the mud off and it was good to go. I have dropped it when getting out of the car on cement, at least a half dozen times. It did dent the corner of the aluminum housing a little. Still works and is in good shape. I dropped it in a pot of boiling water about 5" deep the other night! Only had the clear screen protector on it, no case. It stayed on in the bottom of the water for about 20 seconds. I dumped it out and pulled the battery right away. Red moisture indicator was all red from water. I put it in a ZipLock bag with a desiccant bag, for an hour, still had moisture behind the camera lens cover and the screen was dim. Bought the Razr that night, had an upgrade available, but decided to put the X back in the bag overnight with desiccant. The next day, I turned it on and it has been fine! I am very impressed by the Motorola Droids. :biggrin: