A couple weeks ago we shared some released press pics of the white version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. If you are a fan of the white colored phones, you may appreciate some more "in the wild" shots of the device. Some folks over at HDBlog.it were able to get some hands-on time with the device and took some pics. The above and below pics are just a couple of several that you can see at the source link below. Some folks do not like the white look, while others appreciate it. Some argue that it makes their Android look too much like an iPhone, but that just indirectly gives Apple a "psycholgical-pseudo-patent" on the color white, and they don't really need any more ammunition, now do they.
Personally, I am partial to a "silvered" or brushed-metal styling on electronics, which you don't see very often on smartphones. Share your favorite color or styling aesthetic in which you would like to see smartphones developed.
Source: Engadget and HDBlog.it (translated)
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