MORE Email problems aka, sending one


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
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Is anyone else having problems SENDING emails? My phone will not send an email in either G mail or MSN. Also still getting the constant downloading of old emails on MSN.

Where do you go to set up the email accounts? I have searched the phone. Does Verizon have to set them up?

Answering my own post maybe? I re read the manual I printed out, cheap Verizon. Found account setting and reinstalled the account information. Phone tried to test incoming and outcoming. Froze up both times. I repeated the same process and second time it went through and I think my emails were sent.

Bug? Software conflict? If you send out email check the outgoing folder to see if it gts sent. Also, I still can not get it to stop downloading old emails. WTF is with that?
There is a problem here. When you send an email it does not go out right away. I am not sure if the check email function is only letting the server send stuff every time it checks for email? I assumed when you went to email, it checked your in box immediately. Same with sending an email, I assumed it went out immediately. Not sure that is the case. Anyone have a clue how the out going mail is sent?
I assume you're setting up all of the accounts in the Email applicaton? If so, for your Gmail, check the following:

- Email check frequency (mine is at every 5 minutes, for example)

Not sure about an MSN account and how it's setup, but I have an exchange account, and in the settings for that it gives you the option of how much to synchronize. I have it set for 1 month. After setting up the account I had to wait a while for it to do its thing (up to 15 minutes) and get all of my emails.

I've tested both email accounts and when I send emails it goes out right away. The only thing I can think of as to why it wouldn't send out an email is spotty network (read: lack of signal and no wifi).
GMail should be setup in the GMail application, not in the separate email application.

I don't have any non-push email addresses, but I do believe it should send as soon as you hit send and not wait until the time set in the options has passed, but again I could be wrong since I don't have any regular email accounts.

If you haven't already I would setup the GMail account in the GMail application and you should not have ANY problems with that account.
GMail should be setup in the GMail application, not in the separate email application.

That's not true. I'd much rather use the Email app and have all of my email accounts in one program that I have the option of using the combined inbox for than to have to open a separate app for GMail emails. I don't have any issues with my GMail account doing things that way.
GMail should be setup in the GMail application, not in the separate email application.

That's not true. I'd much rather use the Email app and have all of my email accounts in one program that I have the option of using the combined inbox for than to have to open a separate app for GMail emails. I don't have any issues with my GMail account doing things that way.
Gmail won't push in the regular email application, will it?

And how is the Labels integration in the stock Email application -- doesn't it use folders instead?
no push, just auto checks every 5 minutes or increments above that. and yes, it uses folders. However, it does give you "reply", "reply all", and "delete" as the buttons on the bottom so you don't have to scroll the email like some people complain about.
The stock GMail app gives you Reply, Reply All and Forward at the bottom of your emails and an Archive button in the bottom menu in the GMail app. not sure if you are missing those buttons in the GMail application or something...

I would much rather have GMail push my email than have to wait 5 minutes to get it, but to each his own. And the threading in GMail is much more convenient to me than multiple messages.

But like I said these are all preferences and I would much rather use the GMail application for my GMail, but others like yourself like the stock Email application and that is fine for how you want the phone to operate.
When you have issues sending e-mail are you on Wifi? If you are, you may be experiencing an SMTP port block (port 25) set up by your ISP.

Many ISPs routinely block out-bound SMTP traffic that does not go through the ISP's SMTP server. It is to minimize SPAMBOTs.

My ISP has this policy in place.

If your e-mail service has secure SMTP (different port) you can use it and be fine.
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like no one has a clue.

This is not a BB, that's for sure. Internet toy? Yep.

Get my emails and send a reply immediately? Not a chance. let's wait for 5 minutes so Verizon will sent them.

This really sucks.

What am I missing here?