A Azurikai Member Nov 2, 2010 #1 Does anyone know how to translate this? Or is anything being done by the MIUI team? Thanks
F fox_dye Member Nov 3, 2010 #2 From my understanding even if it was translated it would do no good because the weather service that the widget is built around is for China only. Sent from a galaxy far far away.....
From my understanding even if it was translated it would do no good because the weather service that the widget is built around is for China only. Sent from a galaxy far far away.....
R rakoskjc New Member Nov 4, 2010 #3 Can it be pointed to the same servers as our weather widget or bw ?
H hoppermi Member Nov 4, 2010 #4 rakoskjc said: Can it be pointed to the same servers as our weather widget or bw ? Click to expand... The folks over at XDA are looking into this. It is possible that MIUI will update it to work elsewhere.
rakoskjc said: Can it be pointed to the same servers as our weather widget or bw ? Click to expand... The folks over at XDA are looking into this. It is possible that MIUI will update it to work elsewhere.
L loudaccord Member Nov 4, 2010 #5 I just did a search over on xda for that thread and could find it... any links by chance?
H hoppermi Member Nov 4, 2010 #6 loudaccord said: I just did a search over on xda for that thread and could find it... any links by chance? Click to expand... No specific thread. Mention of it occurs in multiple threads search MIUI weather.
loudaccord said: I just did a search over on xda for that thread and could find it... any links by chance? Click to expand... No specific thread. Mention of it occurs in multiple threads search MIUI weather.