MIUI Themed Icon Pack
UPDATE: 12/3/2010
Gettin' a little better at putting these icons together. Spent a lot more time this time around to make a solid Photoshop template. I re-did the overall icon shape in vector, so the edges of the icons are now super-crisp. I also spent a lot of time working on apply-able effects, gradients, styles, backgrounds, borders, masks, etc -- so making a professional-looking icon with my template takes only seconds! (I made 165 icons in about 4 hours) There are also additional templates inside of this template that allow you to easily make folder icons (2 separate styles), contact icons, chat bubble icons (2 styles), Android system icons, Adobe-style icons, etc. 90% of the new content you see in here are my creations done entirely from scratch, so everything is all-around more closely stylized. Have fun, and please share any icons you make with the template!
Just The Icons (v3)
Apply-Able Theme (v2)
Photoshop Template (v2)

UPDATE: You no longer have to manually apply these icons in the customized_icons folder. Simply install this theme via the built-in Theme Manager in MIUI versions 0.11.19 and later.
I liked the MIUI-style icons so much that I decided to create some more of my own. There aren't a ton of these yet, but I plan on making a lot more in the near future. I have also provided the Photoshop template so you guys can create these styled icons with ease. If you guys end up creating any MIUI-themed icons using my templates, please post links on here for everyone else to download!
The MIUI framework caches every app's icon in "data/system/customized_icons_1", therefore, to simply change an app's default icon, all you have to do is replace the cached image with a customized one. So there is no longer a need to use customization apps such as BetterCut / FolderOrganizer / Desktop Visualizer, however, the icon cache for a particular app will be refreshed once that app has been updated or uninstalled. And the entire app cache also may be deleted after a ROM OTA if a new implementation for generating MIUI icons is introduced.
As an example, to change the Phone app's default icon, you would navigate to "/data/system/customized_icons_1", find the file "com.android.phone.png", delete it, select an icon out of my pack that you want to use as the Phone app icon, rename it to "com.android.phone.png", copy it to "/data/system/customized_icons_1", and now you have a different Phone app icon across the *entire* system. That means not only will home screen shortcuts be changed, but inside of app drawers, inside of the system application manager, etc.
Jrizzill_-_Rounded_Icon_Pack_v3.0.zip -- MIUI Themed Icon Pack
Jrizzill_-_Rounded_Icons_PSD_v2.0.zip -- The Photoshop Template

Since a lot of people do not have Photoshop or do not know how to use it, I am willing to make custom icons for people if they provide me the artwork -- preferably in a web URL. The artwork must be high-rez (256x256 minimum!) and it must be able to stand alone without the need to add a background. I do not want to have to edit these in any way whatsoever!
Example of good artwork and result:

Example of bad artwork and result:

If you want to create your own icons, download my Photoshop Template. Open the "!!!_builder.psd" document in Photoshop. Make sure your layers window is open. In there you will find a layer named "Art". It is a Smart Object. You can double click this a Smart Object's icon to open it's canvas in a new window. Place your artwork inside of this new canvas. Turn on the visibility of the pink "Layer Mask" layer to position your new artwork correctly. Make sure there are no holes in your artwork. Turn off the "Layer Mask" when you are done. Close the Smart Object window and click "Yes" when it asks you to save the changes. The main canvas has now been updated with your artwork. Goto "File" --> "Save As", name it, select "PNG (*.PNG)" as the format, click "Save", and you're done.
UPDATE: 12/3/2010
Gettin' a little better at putting these icons together. Spent a lot more time this time around to make a solid Photoshop template. I re-did the overall icon shape in vector, so the edges of the icons are now super-crisp. I also spent a lot of time working on apply-able effects, gradients, styles, backgrounds, borders, masks, etc -- so making a professional-looking icon with my template takes only seconds! (I made 165 icons in about 4 hours) There are also additional templates inside of this template that allow you to easily make folder icons (2 separate styles), contact icons, chat bubble icons (2 styles), Android system icons, Adobe-style icons, etc. 90% of the new content you see in here are my creations done entirely from scratch, so everything is all-around more closely stylized. Have fun, and please share any icons you make with the template!
Just The Icons (v3)
Apply-Able Theme (v2)
Photoshop Template (v2)

UPDATE: You no longer have to manually apply these icons in the customized_icons folder. Simply install this theme via the built-in Theme Manager in MIUI versions 0.11.19 and later.
I liked the MIUI-style icons so much that I decided to create some more of my own. There aren't a ton of these yet, but I plan on making a lot more in the near future. I have also provided the Photoshop template so you guys can create these styled icons with ease. If you guys end up creating any MIUI-themed icons using my templates, please post links on here for everyone else to download!
The MIUI framework caches every app's icon in "data/system/customized_icons_1", therefore, to simply change an app's default icon, all you have to do is replace the cached image with a customized one. So there is no longer a need to use customization apps such as BetterCut / FolderOrganizer / Desktop Visualizer, however, the icon cache for a particular app will be refreshed once that app has been updated or uninstalled. And the entire app cache also may be deleted after a ROM OTA if a new implementation for generating MIUI icons is introduced.
As an example, to change the Phone app's default icon, you would navigate to "/data/system/customized_icons_1", find the file "com.android.phone.png", delete it, select an icon out of my pack that you want to use as the Phone app icon, rename it to "com.android.phone.png", copy it to "/data/system/customized_icons_1", and now you have a different Phone app icon across the *entire* system. That means not only will home screen shortcuts be changed, but inside of app drawers, inside of the system application manager, etc.
Jrizzill_-_Rounded_Icon_Pack_v3.0.zip -- MIUI Themed Icon Pack
Jrizzill_-_Rounded_Icons_PSD_v2.0.zip -- The Photoshop Template

Since a lot of people do not have Photoshop or do not know how to use it, I am willing to make custom icons for people if they provide me the artwork -- preferably in a web URL. The artwork must be high-rez (256x256 minimum!) and it must be able to stand alone without the need to add a background. I do not want to have to edit these in any way whatsoever!
Example of good artwork and result:

Example of bad artwork and result:

If you want to create your own icons, download my Photoshop Template. Open the "!!!_builder.psd" document in Photoshop. Make sure your layers window is open. In there you will find a layer named "Art". It is a Smart Object. You can double click this a Smart Object's icon to open it's canvas in a new window. Place your artwork inside of this new canvas. Turn on the visibility of the pink "Layer Mask" layer to position your new artwork correctly. Make sure there are no holes in your artwork. Turn off the "Layer Mask" when you are done. Close the Smart Object window and click "Yes" when it asks you to save the changes. The main canvas has now been updated with your artwork. Goto "File" --> "Save As", name it, select "PNG (*.PNG)" as the format, click "Save", and you're done.