Missed Call for the Motorola Droid


Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
I am the developer of Missed Call and I'd like to give you the possibility to tell me your opinion about the application.

This application allows you to get custom LED, sound, vibrate, repeat alarms for Calls, SMS, bluetooth and much more events.

The current version on the market is not working quite good with the Motorola Droid. That is why I introduced "Missed Call for Android 2.0" in the Android market. This beta version is available right now. Just look into the market.

Current problems:
The white color is not really white. :)
Email -> SMS show as "Unknown contact"

If you like to follow the developement on Twitter just follow me right here: http://twitter.com/missed_Call

If you got bugreports or feature requests just take a look at my GitHub account: http://github.com/annoma/Missed-Call

13.11 -> Updated the layout to fit the Droids screen size
13.11 -> Updated the bluetooth detection mechanism
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awesome app...
I would like to request custom settings for GMail and Meebo (an IM service) if possible.
Thanks mate great work
Will missed call have support for emails? I would love to set a custom led for my emails.
Missed Call, is there any way to get the app. to continue to notify of a voicemail that was left without a missed call. Say you were in an area with no cell service and someone calls and leaves a voicemail, then you return to a service area and you only get one notification of the voicemail. I am running your app. on the droid and it has been working well. Thanks for a great app.
Here's the url in DROID format so you can just scan it:

Hi, thanks for letting us try your app. Is the app sorta like a profiles switcher? Coming from the blackberry, I really do miss the ability of switching profiles quite easy. I know there are apps like Locale and another I cant remember off the top of my head, but I'd just like to switch the profiles manually easily. I noticed that if select the top button you have Slient and Airplane modes.. but it would be great if we could customize more profiles that show up there to switch to. (ie: notifications, ringers, media, led, off/on power controls, displays etc...)

Kind regards,
This is an awesome application and I will definitely vouch for it.

Used it on my TMobile G1 with 1.5 AND with 1.6 and it has never let me down.

SO many customization options so I am glad to see it being worked on for 2.0 and still have an awesome developer willing to listen to the community.

Thanks again!!
Great app, I have been using it for the last few days ( have to try the beta version now). I wish there was a way to change the email notifications color from green to something else using this app.
Feature Request:

Have the ability to set the volume level for audio notifications independently of the audio level set by the volumn buttons. Don't know if it's possible, but it'd be damn nice since I keep hitting those buttons by accident!

I'll check out the updated beta of the droid as soon as I get some time; things have been fairly crazy lately.

Cheers, and thanks!
Thank you very much for all your great comments. It would be nice if someone could comment on the colors. Do they work right now? (except the white) Has someone tested the bluetooth service and could tell me if it does work? In addition I would like to know how the interface looks on the Droid? (are there some erros in the interface?)

Thank you very much for all your support.
The light Red does not work for me. Pink and purple are they supposed to be diff, b/c I can't distinguish it. Haven't used it much, but nice app. Thanks
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Ok great. It would be nice if you could test the colors with the application "LED tester" and drop me the color values you like.

The led tester is not cooperating well -slow response, flashing won't start/stop after I change the settings, but most importantly I can't get consistent colors when re-entering the color code.