J Jester6x Member Oct 24, 2010 #1 I was trying to download CM 6.0.0 with google apps but I get an error every time I get to the google apps portion. Is the mirror down? Thanks
I was trying to download CM 6.0.0 with google apps but I get an error every time I get to the google apps portion. Is the mirror down? Thanks
OP OP J Jester6x Member Oct 24, 2010 #2 NVM found an alternate here: Latest Version - CyanogenMod Wiki
O Oktavius Member Oct 24, 2010 #3 Thanks for the link. Been trying to download via ROM Manager but couldn't get the Google Apps to download.
Thanks for the link. Been trying to download via ROM Manager but couldn't get the Google Apps to download.
D dmacleo Premium Member Premium Member Rescue Squad Oct 25, 2010 #4 probably was my mirror, host changed stuff and messed up access. believe all fixed now.