Make Milestone more like the Droid


New Member
Is it possible to make the Milestone resemble the Droid more?

I'd like to copy the boot animation, startup sound and wallpaper mainly. I see this is available for android 2.1 but I haven't found the 2.0 versions of them.

Thanks in advance.


Premium Member
Premium Member

the boot animation can be changed via SDK (ADB PUSH)
the DROOOIIIIID sound can be found here in forums via SEARCH ;)

And the standard wallpaper can be found via google.

Thats it.



New Member
I'm looking for the way to make Milestone more like Droid too : the boot animation + the sound DROIID.
So there is a way.
ADB Push ? How do non-linux users do this with Moto Milestone : the red eye then teh sound?
Has anyone tried this?


Premium Member
Premium Member

the ADB-Push command has nothing to do with Linux.
You Just install the Android SDK on your PC (windows)
Grab the boot animation and use the SDK Tool "ADB"
to push it to your Stone!

Boot be aware that doing it the wrong way can brick your phone!



New Member

the ADB-Push command has nothing to do with Linux.
You Just install the Android SDK on your PC (windows)
Grab the boot animation and use the SDK Tool "ADB"
to push it to your Stone!

Boot be aware that doing it the wrong way can brick your phone!

Hi RinTinTigger,
oh, been busy for a while.
Have you tried doing it, Tigger?
Does the Milestone need to be rooted before applying the ADB-Push here ?
I got the boot animation and the sound Droiiiiiiid already.
Do you know the right way to do it ? Can you show us so we wont brick our phone?

I'm not a techie, :mad:

Thanks in advance.


Premium Member
Premium Member

for pushing boot animations, root is not needed.

And if you ahve the drooooiiiiid and the boot animation, what else do you need then?



New Member
The else here is : the right way to do it :), the right way to do the Pushing and not to brick the phone .I'm new to Android. To be honest, i don't know how to do it.
Is there any guide for doing ADB Pushing ?
Of course i should do some searching, but if you have seen it somewhere give us the link !
Oh, my phone just, i thought it would be here tomorrow..:icon_eek: