long time to connect to wifi


Nov 8, 2009
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With my Droid it can take 3-4 minutes to connect to my airport extreme wifi signal. Are others having this problem too? Besides turning on wifi, is there a way to force the wifi connection from 3G?
I don't know about 3-4 minutes but I can tell you that my Droid is slower to connect to my home WiFi than my G1 was.
I connect to my WPA2 protected network in about 7 seconds.
i can't get it to connect at all with security on my router, driving me nuts....
i can't get it to connect at all with security on my router, driving me nuts....

Then you are using the wrong password somehow, thats all I can think of. When I originally set mine up I had the password wrong and it would attempt to connect for about 30 seconds before erroring out.. once the password was correct, no worries.
lol, holy crap.....i just entered my network security key, and not the "password" that i set to enter router settings, and it worked immediately....i am a moron, you just saved me soo much grief making me re-look at that simple aspect which i assumed 100% i was correct on! Thank you

Hey all, new to the forums, new to the moto droid.. I too have this problem, and have a Linksys router. Any idea where I can find this "Network Security Key"?? I've been in and out of my routers config and cannot find it anywhere...
I got it. Turns out it was the "password" I set ( Which I had tried many, many times before ) and not the routers password. Makes sense... I was under the impression that this "Network key" was under my actual router.. O well, Up and running now. :icon_ banana: