Location Issue?


New Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I’m having a weird location issue with my phone. When I go to check into Foursquare, or Facebook – or ANY app that pulls your location, it will not always pull my correct location, and I don’t mean by a few miles. I’m in Tennessee and it has me in New Jersey this morning. I went to check in, and cannot get it to pull ANYWHERE in my state for the life of me. I have checked my location settings and don’t see anything different, and I have pulled the battery and restarted twice – nothing, the phone is still telling me I’m in New Jersey.

Any suggestions? A small issue, but it’s driving me crazy. The Vortex probably the worst phone I’ve ever had. I was having massive problems with my Blackberry, sent my hubby to Verizon and we had decided to go Droid, and…. he came back with the purple Vortex for me, and I have had absolutely nothing but problems with it the past couple months.
Same problem here for the past several days. I have a Moto Droid 1 (2nd replacement) and it had a System Up-Date recently. I says I'm in Northern Virginia when I'm actually 60miles away.
Ok, today I received my 3rd replacement phone of the year. Now my location is better, but not the same as it had been before the system update. I'm only about 1mile away now looking at Maps, 4sq and facebook. Leaving the GPS on does fix the situation, but I've had it turned off since the begining.