New Member
I was running into the 'insufficient storage' errors on my S4, so after doing some research I decided to try Link2SD to move my apps and app data to a secondary partition on my external SD card.
I was able to create a 10 GB ext4 partition and then used Link2SD to select as many apps as it would and then did a Create Link - application file, dalvik-cache file, library files and internal data. It went through the list successfully, and I rebooted after it was done.
After the reboot, all the apps that I had moved over to my SD card no longer show up in the Launcher or the App Drawer. If I open Link2SD and look at Storage Info, I do see my "SD Card 2nd Part" mounted at /data/sdext2, and it's about half full. If I look in /data/sdext2, I do see all the .apk files for all the apps that got moved, and /data/sdext2/data has a ton of subfolders for all the apps as well (I'm assuming that's where the 'internal data' got moved to)?
I've read all the threads that say to do a Quick Reboot after the full reboot, but that hasn't helped me... all my apps stay gone. Doing a 'Recreate Mount Scripts' says that they're created successfully, but no change after a reboot. If I try to 'Relink all application files', it tells me that it found no files to link.
Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I337M
CyanogenMod 11-20140708-SNAPSHOT-M8-jflte
Android 4.4.4
Link2SD Plus 3.5.1
Can anyone lend a hand?
P.S. I've also posted over at AndroidForums but no replies yet
I was able to create a 10 GB ext4 partition and then used Link2SD to select as many apps as it would and then did a Create Link - application file, dalvik-cache file, library files and internal data. It went through the list successfully, and I rebooted after it was done.
After the reboot, all the apps that I had moved over to my SD card no longer show up in the Launcher or the App Drawer. If I open Link2SD and look at Storage Info, I do see my "SD Card 2nd Part" mounted at /data/sdext2, and it's about half full. If I look in /data/sdext2, I do see all the .apk files for all the apps that got moved, and /data/sdext2/data has a ton of subfolders for all the apps as well (I'm assuming that's where the 'internal data' got moved to)?
I've read all the threads that say to do a Quick Reboot after the full reboot, but that hasn't helped me... all my apps stay gone. Doing a 'Recreate Mount Scripts' says that they're created successfully, but no change after a reboot. If I try to 'Relink all application files', it tells me that it found no files to link.
Samsung Galaxy S4 SGH-I337M
CyanogenMod 11-20140708-SNAPSHOT-M8-jflte
Android 4.4.4
Link2SD Plus 3.5.1
Can anyone lend a hand?
P.S. I've also posted over at AndroidForums but no replies yet