Liberty 1.5 Coming soon

I will just continue to rename the files on the server and ruin peoples downloads until it is released
I will just continue to rename the files on the server and ruin peoples downloads until it is released

That's an evil little trick. I'll have to remember it to try myself at some point! :D
I will just continue to rename the files on the server and ruin peoples downloads until it is released

Lol, nice. Hey I may be impatient, but I never gave out the url. I was trying to use my knowledge for good by providing a mirror when the time was right. Im truly sorry if I caused any problems or led to more people discovering the download.

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In jarviks defense, u guys do realize someone posted a pic of their download of the rom and the site was on the pic well before jarvik posted link lmao....

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i heard on twitter that its not being released tonight cause of some bum who tried to get it early.....
Downloading the ROM without the blessing of the devs or the benefit of a changelog is like snatching a blunt out of someone's hand, taking a drag, and then asking "WTF did I just smoke?" Don't blame them if you get burned or hack up a lung in the aftermoment.