be warned. do not buy a phone from LG .
They do not have any idea how to program phones.
they send them out knowing they have serious bugs such as rebooting and freezing.
and they will charge you to get the phone replaced when it was sent out broken in the first place.
and the only way you'll get an update is with force by the carrier or a class action lawsuit as was the case with the G2x.
the only support and or warranty they offer is to send the phone to them and have it repaired and wait for it to come back.
and many came back without the problematic item fixed.
and they are laying off 30% of their mobile department so its not gonna get bettter anytime soon.
not that i think anyone is dying to get this particular phone
If you get an lg phone that works 100% OOB your probably fine but if you expect things to be fixed or support forget it.