This is probably more of a rant then anything else because I know there isn't much anyone can do about it. I just lost over 80 songs. I don't know where they went. I was going to listen to them a little bit ago and my music player said that it couldn't play that type of file. What type? I've played them before and they are all mp3 files. I checked the files and they were all there on my sd card but I still couldn't get them to play. So I did a restart on my phone and when it came back up they were gone. No longer on my sd card. One music file wasn't affected. The one labeled /mp3. The music file labeled /music is empty. On top of that VZ Media manager has been trying to backup those files automatically for some time and last night I finally unchecked the sync button to stop it. But I found out that when you restart your phone those boxes get checked again automatically. What gives? I'm sure there is nothing that I can do about it but any advice is appreciated. It was all free music so there isn't any backup list to go to either.