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Jan 26, 2012
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I've noticed when typing texts and emails that sometimes the keys can be unresponsive and cause me to type words incorrectly. Also I sometimes have problems long pressing letters for their.symbol counterparts. I have the otterbox screen protector on. Furthermore I am using GO SMS for texting. Is there a good keyboard in the market? I was wondering If anyone else has had any sorts of these problems?

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I use SwiftKey X and have not had any problems yet. There are a few keyboards in the market, try them out and see if they help you with your issues.

Sent from my Rezound
I've used probably every keyboard on the market. The most responsive on my thunderbolt was the ics keyboard. on my bionic I can only use Swype. All other keyboards annoy me with horrible responsiveness. I recommend Swype over anything. There is a large learning curve, but it is the only keyboard that is really easy to type one handed on and has above average word prediction. There are also other Swype-esque keyboards like slideit, but from my experience, none work nearly as well.

Swift key x seems to be the choice for many people, but I have tried it and don't like it at all. Very unresponsive, but great word prediction.
I've noticed when typing texts and emails that sometimes the keys can be unresponsive and cause me to type words incorrectly. Also I sometimes have problems long pressing letters for their.symbol counterparts. I have the otterbox screen protector on. Furthermore I am using GO SMS for texting. Is there a good keyboard in the market? I was wondering If anyone else has had any sorts of these problems?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

Do you want to type or slide your lettering?
If you prefer typing I'd second the Swift Key X. You might enjoy Thumb Keyboard as well.
If you want sliding, Swype or SlideIt are both very good. I used to swear by Ultra but the developer decided they prefer to have a buggy, laggy , force closing product over the awesome one they had before the last few updates that just seem to be making a bad problem worse.

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Swift key does work alot better than the stock keyboard and eliminates most of the keyboard lag. There are times when I do get alittle lag from SwiftKey. But that is very little. So I would highly recommend it.

Sent from my HTC Rezound
Used SwiftKey for quite a while and then got spooked by the permissions and the warning during an upgrade that the app can copy passwords. Uninstalled it. Went back to the native keyboard and really struggled with it. Missed the ease of typing with SwiftKey. Further investigation showed there is nothing to worry about, and couldn't find any complaints on the web about security breaches. Back to using SwiftKey.
Do you want to type or slide your lettering?
If you prefer typing I'd second the Swift Key X. You might enjoy Thumb Keyboard as well.
If you want sliding, Swype or SlideIt are both very good. I used to swear by Ultra but the developer decided they prefer to have a buggy, laggy , force closing product over the awesome one they had before the last few updates that just seem to be making a bad problem worse.

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post

I had Swype on my Bionic and like it. When I moved to the Rezound Swype is not available unless I am missing something and someone can point me in the right direction. I tried SlideIT and it was ok. I then tried Touchpal and like it ALOT better than SlideIT but I am sure it comes down to preference. For me, Touchpal works more like Swype.
SwiftKey + 1

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I had Swype on my Bionic and like it. When I moved to the Rezound Swype is not available unless I am missing something and someone can point me in the right direction. I tried SlideIT and it was ok. I then tried Touchpal and like it ALOT better than SlideIT but I am sure it comes down to preference. For me, Touchpal works more like Swype.

You can get Swype by signing up for their beta program.

I like it better than OEM actually because you get updates as they improve things and aren't stuck with the OEM bugs.

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A Rezound phone was used for this TapaTalk post
The build in keyboard is a pretty good sliding keyboard.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
SwiftKey + 1. I can almost type on my phone as fast and as accurately as on a full size computer keyboard. I type around 55 wpm. Just saying, you got to try it for a week at least.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
The ICS keyboard is pretty great IMO very responsive. I can type crazy fast on it. Right now I'm like lighting typing this post.

Sent from my HTC Rezound.
Rooted, unlocked, and ready to rock!
I like Swiftkey as well, and have tried Smart Keyboard which I also like because it has more space between the keys in portrait mode, and has better word prediction IMHO. The free version is the same as "Pro", you just get a reminder to buy about every 24hrs. Plus, it doesn't have the "swype" ablility that Swiftkey does.
I've been having problems a lot with HTC's Keyboard on the Rezound too. I actually think it may be something to do with the keyboard not being optimized for higher resolution devices. I feel like the accuracy of key presses is bad on it because of that, which causes all sorts of problems. Furthermore, I have like lag issue as well. I don't have the problem when I type on my friend's EVO 4G or another friend's Galaxy S so I know it isn't just me having bad typing skills.