Keep your phones charged or you are not flying


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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If you have a cell phone, tablet, or other electronic device and you are traveling to the US from abroad the TSA will be checking your device to make sure it is charged after fears that Al Qaeda may use electronic devices to blow up airliners.
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The last time I flew was in 1998. I had to prove my cell phone and pager both worked, way back then.
The last time I flew was in 1998. I had to prove my cell phone and pager both worked, way back then.

Interesting. Never heard of it or even considered it really.

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Everyday the world seems to get a little bit crazier and people get just a bit more paranoid. It's really sad we live in such a world where people see these devices as potential weapons....
Everyday the world seems to get a little bit crazier and people get just a bit more paranoid. It's really sad we live in such a world where people see these devices as potential weapons....

I think everything now is a potential weapon to them...
"will not allow cellphones or other electronic devices on U.S.-bound planes at some overseas airports if the devices are not charged up"

Just a guess, but it could be that those certain airports don't have scanners to use on carry on items. I've also been asked to turn on a laptop at LAX before flying to Houston.
I've had them check my camera and laptop before during one of the pat downs AKA groping session. He took my camera out and asked me to turn it on, then the same with my laptop as he swabbed it for explosives. I almost told him I never keep my laptop near my explosives but I was already late for my plane and didn't want to sit around for a couple of hours.

Flew to San Antonio a few months ago. Laptops have to be removed but tablets/iPods/etc don't. That rule doesn't make sense to me. Also why do some airports make us take our shoes off while others don't care? Too many inconsistencies between TSA across the nation.
I thought they got rid of the shoe rule a few months ago, but as you mentioned, the rules are so inconsistent across the nation who knows.

tap'n on my S5
I've had them check my camera and laptop before during one of the pat downs AKA groping session. He took my camera out and asked me to turn it on, then the same with my laptop as he swabbed it for explosives. I almost told him I never keep my laptop near my explosives but I was already late for my plane and didn't want to sit around for a couple of hours.

Flew to San Antonio a few months ago. Laptops have to be removed but tablets/iPods/etc don't. That rule doesn't make sense to me. Also why do some airports make us take our shoes off while others don't care? Too many inconsistencies between TSA across the nation.

Got one better for you. You can pay the TSA money and bypass all that....correction "buypass"
What the.... Yeah that's a great idea.
What the.... Yeah that's a great idea.
That what I said, because all the terrorists who hijacked planes lacked money :rolleyes:
Now if you want to have where you pay a fee to go into the "quick line" where basically there is no waiting but you still get the pat down check along with the same shoe and electronic check then I'm all for it. But to pay a fee and walk past security like it is not a thing because "you are a good citizen and have money" yeah that is the kind of bull that lends to the idea that anything can be had as long as you name the price including boarding an airplane without being subjected to the same treatment the rest of the traveling public are subjected to.

correction light security check not a "no security check"

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