Hi all, been posting here awhile and I've had a little bit of time now to get acquainted with my new D3. Frankly I am amazed that I am the only one I know around here with a D3. Everyone else has iCraps, Galaxy S/SIIs, Nexuses (Nexii?), various Droid 1/2/Xs and even a few with Windows phones of all things. I did test out other devices at the VZW store including the D4, Nexus, Stratosphere, Bionic and Razr just to make sure I was making the right call and I believe I did. I do not live in a 4G area and likely will not get it until sometime in 2013 when Vzw finishes filling out the 3G footprint with LTE so it not having 4G is meh to me. I really REALLY love this phone and not just because it is a new toy. It is fast, the QWERTY is very well done, it is VERY solidly built compared to my old Epic 4G, the battery lasts me most of the day with HEAVY usage and a few 10-20 minute charges in the car going places and it only got better with MavRom 3.0 on it. I also get a removable battery which is apparently going extinct and GSM capabilities so I can use this guy when I deploy (military) without having to find a shaky, overloaded wifi connection that might or might not work because of idiots trying to play WoW on it while people like me are trying to get on Skype so their wife and 2 year old can talk to daddy... but I digress... The screen... yes you can tell it is Pentile, yes it looks like a very very thin mesh is sometimes laid over the screen. The images are also VERY sharp, colors are not oversaturated like on the Super AMOLED screens, it doesn't look washed out like regular LCD and I CAN SEE THE SCREEN OUTSIDE! I don't know why so many people complain, I guess they have sharper eyes than me or something but I see 20/18 out of one eye and 20/15 out of the other. To put it bluntly, this screen blows my old DX out of the water and doesn't look like pastel mania like the Samsung screens do. And the camera, my only complaint and I'm not too upset about it as I know it is a software issue that will probably be worked out soon by an update or by a dev. My D3 takes pretty good pictures with the flash off, in fact they are on par with my old DX which took really nice pictures if the subject in question held still long enough... On MavRom, the camera takes pictures almost instantly like a HTC or Samsung phone does. With the flash on, yeah they are still blue but Camera 360 with fluoresence turned on takes flash pictures without the blue so that's a good enough workaround for right now. Hopefully the 5.7 update fixes the camera for good but I do not want to flash the leaks in fear of being screwed if they are not the official OTAs and with no way to get back to the official OTA as of right now...
All in all I am very happy with this phone and sad that not having 4G killed it when it is easily one of the top phones out there if you can't get/don't need 4G. With them being free right now all over the place and even with free accessories like mine were, these phones are a complete steal right now.
All in all I am very happy with this phone and sad that not having 4G killed it when it is easily one of the top phones out there if you can't get/don't need 4G. With them being free right now all over the place and even with free accessories like mine were, these phones are a complete steal right now.