Issue installing rom

Bro KV

Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
I was trying to install the Chevy rom using clockwork and when the phone rebooted it went to the boot load, the status bar went about 25% of the way and rebooted the phone. Then the phone kept rebooting. I went into the bootloader and wiped the phone and it is fine now. Did I do something wrong, has anyone else seen this issue? Thanks in advance.
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Try wiping data and cache before instaling this time

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What seems to be the best rom for the Droid x

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When installing a new ROM always make sure you follow the instructions that the dev posted. This will save you alot of problems and alot of ROMs have different install instructions.

Their really isn't such thing as a best rom. It just depends what you want from it. You should try alot of different ones out until you find one you like. I personally use a few things from several roms all put into one.

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