im new to android (got my droid X last week) and interested in a pure AOSP rom. I was reading around and found liberty to be one of the closest I could get to true AOSP (along side with rubix and fission). While all of them had good review I picked this over the others because of the no throttle mod. Im currently using System Version 2.3.340.MB810 and Android Version 2.2.1
Anyways im trying to find the most current liberty rom (for my current version), and if any new updates are out I would like to know
Is this the official place where updates and new liberty files will be posted to?
thanks for your time
im new to android (got my droid X last week) and interested in a pure AOSP rom. I was reading around and found liberty to be one of the closest I could get to true AOSP (along side with rubix and fission). While all of them had good review I picked this over the others because of the no throttle mod. Im currently using System Version 2.3.340.MB810 and Android Version 2.2.1
Anyways im trying to find the most current liberty rom (for my current version), and if any new updates are out I would like to know
Is this the official place where updates and new liberty files will be posted to?
thanks for your time