Is there a way to "hook up" my Droid to the t.v.??


This would good watching videos, youtube, picture gallery and surfing the web. Is this possible? Is there a cord that attaches the two together?


I imagine it would somehow be possible using a computer as an intermediary, but if you got that far, the Droid would be somewhat unnecessary.


This would good watching videos, youtube, picture gallery and surfing the web. Is this possible? Is there a cord that attaches the two together?

The only thing that comes to mind is something like this (for the PSP, but might fit on the Droid with some mods):

PSPonTV Exclusive Review - Review - at IGN


Not a great solution, but it might work :)

$50 PSP on TV | PSP2TV | PSP TV Adapter

Basically a camera that records the screen and sends it directly to the TV


One of those huge funnel-type things?
I brought it up because I remembered it from years ago when someone asked me for TV-out on the PSP, but only as a true last-resort option.


Silver Member
Not sure that the 3.5mm jack supports video play. So that would mean using your computer as a bridge, so you'd be better of just using your computer alone. Numerous routes (I use a combination of HDMI cable and streaming to my 360).

This is one of those things I just don't get.... I have a laptop and a computer that have a) much more memory b) faster connections to the network/tv c) higher playback capability (the droid is not like the ZuneHD, it really isn't meant for HD playback and d) unlimited power (they stay plugged in). Could probably think of a few more but, why would I want to play video from my Droid through my TV?? And even if I did my droid is ftp on my wi-fi network so I can just pull the video directly to one of my computers oh, e) support far more video/file extensions and sizes.

Just my $.02, hope you find something that meets your needs (the ZuneHD is great, but I rarely even use it for the same reasons above).


Not sure that the 3.5mm jack supports video play.

I think the PSP funnel uses the 3 1/2 jack for audio alone. The original PSP doesn't have any TV-Out capabilities, which is why it is so big. The cheapie camera used is kept at the right distance from the screen to record, and then send the video and audio to the TV.

Using TV-out on a device such as the Droid, or a Zune/iPod/iPhone etc provides you with the benefit of watching a movie with friends when you are visiting or something like that. You always have your phone with you, and by having a cable of some sorts in your pocket, it's just like dragging your laptop over to watch a movie, but more convenient. Of course it doesnt last for a full movie night, but it still works.
Or its a quick way to show off the pics you took during x-mas for your grandparants or something.

The PSP thing I brought up defeats that purpose. Unless you use the thing as a jockstrap, I doubt it's too convenient to carry around with you all the time just in case you need to show something off of your phone.


Silver Member
The PSP thing I brought up defeats that purpose. Unless you use the thing as a jockstrap, I doubt it's too convenient to carry around with you all the time just in case you need to show something off of your phone.

Huh, that seems interesting. Def one of those things that sounds better on the design/R&D slate than in actual practice.

As for the playing of video, that's what I thought when I bought the ZuneHD but in practice... it just doesn't work (for me). I don't particularly care to spend hours on end riping my DVDs or converting my d/l content into a small enough file to put on the Droid (even with a larger 32G SD card it would fill up way to quick with decent video, my 30G ZHD did, very quickly, now it is audio only...). I keep my laptop ready to go if I know I'm going somewhere where we may want to watch videos or something, but that's me.


Properly converted videos are great for on the go viewing with the Droid. But a home media server it is not.

I can't think of any reason to use it over a laptop if given the choice between the two for the purposes described in this thread.

Anthony 23


Hi. I tried plugging my droid into my tv. It fit perfect! When I turned on you tube nothing happened on my tv. I tried my music and that didn't come through on my tv either. Is this just for computers?


Hi. I tried plugging my droid into my tv. It fit perfect! When I turned on you tube nothing happened on my tv. I tried my music and that didn't come through on my tv either. Is this just for computers?

where did you put the cable? cause unless your buying some add-on there is no video output on the dorid.


New Member
My Droid X has a mini hdmi so I have on order through a mini hdmi to regular hdmi cable. Was only around $10 bucks for a 15 foot cord. I am going to use this to hook up to a small tv (your tv would have to have hdmi) in our camper as we get no digital signal for tv but Verizon works great! So, I am going to see if we can watch the tv episodes on the tv from the Droid. I don't know why that wouldn't work...if I remember, I'll let you know how it goes!


My Droid X has a mini hdmi so I have on order through a mini hdmi to regular hdmi cable. Was only around $10 bucks for a 15 foot cord. I am going to use this to hook up to a small tv (your tv would have to have hdmi) in our camper as we get no digital signal for tv but Verizon works great! So, I am going to see if we can watch the tv episodes on the tv from the Droid. I don't know why that wouldn't work...if I remember, I'll let you know how it goes!

This thread was started over 2 years ago and the person who started it has not posted for about 1 & 1/2 years. A lot of the newer phones now have the mini HDMI out.
The cords start at 2.50 on ebay, shipped, no tax. Amazon is about the same but the shipping costs are additional.