Has apple truly fallen off from the mobile platform as far as bringing something new or worthwhile to the table?
As an Android fan, part of me is yelling at Google to start going after Apple for what is clearly rip offs from their OS, but I now am like "man they need all the help they can get".
Remember Apple was in a slump and Microsoft was not only mopping the floor with them in home computer sales but Bill Gates had to help them out. Right now it really feel likes history is repeating itself as Android has clearly grabbed the reigns. In a thread I posted earlier I felt like Apple was a step behind but now I am beginning to feel like they are much more than that. For the sake of keeping with strong competition I believe Apple will benefit more from open sharing with their competitors and drop all lawsuits because right now they are looking mighty bad being the guys taking manufacturers to court for software infringements when it is clear today that they were all out of ideas and just decided to copy off older Android features.
Do you think Apple (as far as mobile platform) is done without Jobs taking the lead?
Will Windows (or another software company) be able to become the number 2 pushing iOS to 3?
Have mobile software hit a wall as far as ideas or is it just Apple who is all out of ideas, in other words can we see the mobile platform pushed further ahead than where it is at now?