Instant Rebate at Corporate store?


Jul 16, 2010
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So, I'm looking at buying the X tomorrow at a Corporate Store, rather then a Wireless Zone store. The main issue right now is, my dad does not want to spend $600 for 2 phones (YES I KNOW THERE IS A REBATE), so technically it would only be $400, but the rebate would take at least 2 weeks. One of my friends told me that if you pay for the phone at a Corporate Store, rather than a store like Verizon Wireless Zones is that you get an Instant Rebate. If its possible to get an instant rebate at a Corporate Store, this would be 10x easier on my dad, knowing he will get an instant rebate, and it would only be $400 give or take right up front.

If it helps at all, my 2 year contract ended in April.

If anyone knows any info on this, it would be a tremendous help going in there with the knowledge of this.

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The corp store I deal with will credit my rebates to my account....YMMV on this.
I think its hit or miss on instant rebates. Even at corporate stores. Ordering online is an instant rebate though.

Sent from my Droid using interplanetary communications that neither you or I could possibly understand. Cheers.
Got mine from a corporate store on 7/22. It was $199.00 plus tax and no rebate.
picked up mine from corporate as well, and avoided the rebate. I'm on a business account though, that might have affected it.
The Retail stores in my area offered the credit card option.. I got my Droid X from the verizon website, which I got the instant rebate.. Remember, the folks at the stores make a commission so they gotta make all that money up front, plus they may charge you more for it as well. Gotta support a job.... If you want the instant rebate, I would suggest checking out the store first, or simply buy it online.. I paid $199 online om the 2nd day the phone was release... Plus I got it via overnight mail which is even better!
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