well this is what! I bought the Incipio Silycrilic thinking I would NEVER need that much protection. I spent this past weekend installing long-tube headers on my 01 firebird formula. In case you aren't familiar with these cars clearances are stupid tight. Most of the spaces my phone was the only real light I could get where I needed it (kudos to TESLA LED!!!). Let me tell you this.. I had my car jacked up 2 ft off the ground, and my phone fell several times from the top of the fenderwell bouncing around on sharp metal objects in the engine bay and finally falling.. yup screen first onto the concrete below. The screen cover that comes with the silycrylic has a few scuffs but nothing major and nothing that made it through to the real screen below. Let me also add the case was covered in as much grease as my hands since I was handling it the entire time. Took the case off the phone washed it with dawn and water, and it's as good as new.
... Five stars from me and highly recommended. It will most certainly be what I buy from now on for any phone I own