"?" in Battery


Jun 13, 2010
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I got the "?" in the status bar battery icon instead of a colored battery today. I have the Motorola BW8X extended life battery in it. I switched back to my BW4X and problem solved. Must be a bad battery. Not sure if anyone else had this issue, but wanted to let anyone know in case they ran into this problem.
It does sound like a bad battery. Is it new or is it old and this just came up?
I've only had the phone 2 weeks and bought the BW8X with it. The problem just happened today.
I'd take it to a Verizon store and show them. You should be able to get a replacement extended battery.
I actually tortured myself with Motorola's Support chat and they r sending me one. They also said I don't have to send the old one back SO I might go back to Verizon too.:biggrin: