I get an email, (its long with lots of detail and questions I need to respond to) I hit reply. I type the greeting, answer the first few questions, and then I cant remember some of the details of the question they asked, I slide down into the body of the senders email and my keyboard launches, and forces me back to the bottom of MY email. You can do this countless times, and you can NEVER get to the text below the first few sentences of the email I am replying to. If you use 2 fingers VERY slow SOMETIMES the message will scroll up but let off or move fast and bam, you get shot to the top of that email and you cannot read the details you are trying to reply to.
Any advise?
Similar issue with Handsent NEW MESSAGES. It appears to launch a different type of window, and you key in someones name/number you have not sent to in a while, hit NEXT, to type in a message, and you CANNOT see what your typing in the message window.
Any help on either of these would be GREAT!
Any advise?
Similar issue with Handsent NEW MESSAGES. It appears to launch a different type of window, and you key in someones name/number you have not sent to in a while, hit NEXT, to type in a message, and you CANNOT see what your typing in the message window.
Any help on either of these would be GREAT!