If you once had the OG droid, what do you currently have?

Have the LG Revolution and having the same problem all other 4g phones are having like loss of a data connection on occasions.Hate it when using 4g hotspot and data connection disappears.:angry:
Oh, if you still have the OG,
What phone will you go for next?
Droid X soon to be Nexus hopefully :)
I still have my OG, but I'm leaning heavily towards the G-Nex as my next device. It's a toss-up because I really like having a physical keyboard, but I also really want ICS now! NFC is a non-issue for me, as was 4G up until a few weeks ago. If I'm stuck with my next device for another two years, I think 4G is something that I'm going to want to have. If the Droid 3 had it, I'd be all over that phone. I'm not going to wait until the Droid 4 drops though. As much as I love my D1, it's certainly showing it's age lately and I yearn for something with a little more "snap".
Went from D1 to D3....only get new phones when upgrade is available. So seems like I will skip a generation every time.


Hopefully upgrading to Nexus when it drops
DROID2 global unfortunately, not very hacker friendly, but a good phone other wise

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Still rocking the OG. Looking forward to one of these new phones coming out this November, but won't be due for upgrade until early next year. Who knows what phones will be available by then.
I wish I still I had my OG Droid, I lost it last December, sad day. Now I switch between Droid Incredible (with MIUI) and Iphone4, I dig them both except for the Incredibles battery life.
Still rocking the OG. Looking forward to one of these new phones coming out this November, but won't be due for upgrade until early next year. Who knows what phones will be available by then.

Has anyone had success with the upgrades? Here's why I ask...whenever I've looked into it, it is for either $50 or $100 off a new phone...BUT, it's off the retail price. Usually there's some deal that's better than the retail price. So, like, it's like $300 for a new phone with a special for renewing a 2 year contract, or like $450 for it ($500 retail minus $50 upgrade)

Is that what others are finding too?
Has anyone had success with the upgrades? Here's why I ask...whenever I've looked into it, it is for either $50 or $100 off a new phone...BUT, it's off the retail price. Usually there's some deal that's better than the retail price. So, like, it's like $300 for a new phone with a special for renewing a 2 year contract, or like $450 for it ($500 retail minus $50 upgrade)

Is that what others are finding too?

When I've upgraded in the past it would be off the subsidized price as long as I renewed my contract for 2 yrs. However, I think VZW has gotten rid of the NE2 promotion, so this would be my last use of that promotion.

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