ICS roms ?


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
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Are there any roms that combine ICS w/ sense or any plain ICS roms available ?

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Are there any roms that combine ICS w/ sense or any plain ICS roms available ?

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums

The current ICS ROMS for T-bolt do not have functioning radios, however, Liquid Smooth 3.2
looks and feels a great deal like ICS. Its Gingerbread, but the devs spent a great deal of time
tweaking/skinning/themeing it to feel like ICS.

Note: Liquid Smooth is AOSP, not Sense.

Check it out..
Ive flashed 3.2 . It's just plain old android .

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Yes - there's no "Sense" for the ROM, so it would be "plain old android". Once you get a true ICS ROM, you'll probably find that "plain old android" is much improved and the need for those bulky overhead skins aren't needed.

sonicanatidae - does the ROM keep pestering you about being on a Wi-Fi connection? I had a Liquid ROM once and I uninstalled it because of that annoying feature. For example, at work, I stay on 4G even though we have a wireless connection. The ROM knew there was wifi near by and prompted me to use it.

[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][/FONT]​
For secured networks that I've entered, it remembers them and connects me
automagically. The only notifications I get are open Wifi Networks and that's
on by choice. I thought that was a switch that you can enable/disable?

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No open wifi shall escape my sight
Let those who worship wifi's might,
Beware my Wifi-Kill... Green Android's light!
Yes - there's no "Sense" for the ROM, so it would be "plain old android". Once you get a true ICS ROM, you'll probably find that "plain old android" is much improved and the need for those bulky overhead skins aren't needed.

I wonder if there is a SENSE-like theme that would sit on top of an AOSP ROM. Personally, I think SENSE is of-the-devil, but that's pure personal preference.
Droidvicious has an ICS rom out. Only issue is no MMS.
So they have a mostly working Radio for ICS? ie. Calls/ SMS/Data works, but not MMS?
Good news.. That should mean a wave of DD ICS roms should be out soon.

You'd think a dozen roms would have cropped up by now based on DroidVicious's work, but so far he's got the only just about 100% functional ICS rom out for the Tbolt. Like the other guy said, no MMS, a couple of random fc's on some specific apps & guestures within apps, but it pretty much is right there. No soft buttons, but that's not a deal breaker. It was based on miui, so there's no app drawer by default either, but you can add an after market one, no biggie.