ICS on other phone's


Dec 21, 2011
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Will ICS be released on any other phones aside from GNEX? I know its been stated but when? I am wondering because there seems to be a few key features or apps that do not work on ICS yet, like HBO GO. I am assuming that once ICS goes mainstream, ported to other phones, more apps will be compatible. I enjoy ICS but I miss many things like HBO GO. I am a bit frustrated. My GF just got a Bionic, upgraded from an OG. I love the Bionic and almost wished I would have just got that phone. Not to mention it was a free upgrade. There doesn't seem to be much of a difference between her phone and my phone. Only difference is ICS and she can get HBO GO.
Has anyone actually got a phone with ICS other than GNEX?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Did you look at the Bionic's screen? Compare it to the Nexus and you'll be glad you have the Nexus heh.

As for ICS, manufacturers have only told us estimates:

Razr: Quarter 2 everywhere except the US, they haven't announced the US date yet.
Bionic: Not announced yet.

Motorola's estimated dates here: https://forums.motorola.com/pages/00add97d6c

Rezound: Not announced yet.
Multiple HTC phones are supposed to be getting ICS in March.
HTC's estimated dates here: HTC: Ice Cream Sandwich Will Start Hitting Our Handsets In March | TechCrunch

Nothing official, they've estimated Quarter 2 as well.
I agree about the size of the screen and I do love the GNEX. But, we cannot use all of the screen because of the silly Google search bar. Any idea why the put it on every screen?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I agree about the size of the screen and I do love the GNEX. But, we cannot use all of the screen because of the silly Google search bar. Any idea why the put it on every screen?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I didn't mean the size, I meant the Bionic's poor quality pentile matrix screen. The Nexus screen has a much higher resolution, which means a higher PPI(Pixels Per Inch).

As for the google search, you can use the Nova launcher and remove it to use that space.

Just search in the market for Nova launcher. Know that you'll have to rearrange your icons and whatnot, but if you don't end up liking Nova launcher you can delete it and everything will be reverted back to the way you had it before.
Sounds like a great launcher. I used Launcher pro on my DX liked itbbutbfelt it slowed it down. What do you think about the Nova launcher? Will I make GNEX sluggish? When people say no folders in drawer are they referring to the four preset apps at the bottom of the screen?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Nova is great, it's basically just ICS with a couple more folder options, transitional options and the ability to remove the google search bar.

I think the only difference is you have to root if you want to get your widgets back in your apps drawer like it is with stock ICS. But other than that there's nothing it prevents you from doing from stock.

It's smooth, I don't use it right now, but I have before and it ran great.
I use Nova launcher on my Rezound and its pretty dang nice, I really like it! My only problem is the rom I'm running causes transitions to be a bit choppy sometimes. Definately reccomend nova though.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Since installing and using Nova I am starting to get double and triple text messages of the same text people send me. This never happened until I installed Nova. I had the DX and once I installed ProLauncher the same thing started to happen. Has anyone else had this issue and have they noticed it being related to a launcher? Nova is a great launcher. I hope that this is not the issue.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Will ICS be released on any other phones aside from GNEX? I know its been stated but when? I am wondering because there seems to be a few key features or apps that do not work on ICS yet, like HBO GO. I am assuming that once ICS goes mainstream, ported to other phones, more apps will be compatible. I enjoy ICS but I miss many things like HBO GO. I am a bit frustrated. My GF just got a Bionic, upgraded from an OG. I love the Bionic and almost wished I would have just got that phone. Not to mention it was a free upgrade. There doesn't seem to be much of a difference between her phone and my phone. Only difference is ICS and she can get HBO GO.
Has anyone actually got a phone with ICS other than GNEX?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Apps not being compatible with ICS says more about the specific app dev than it does about Google Devs/ICS in my opinion.
Very true.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Very true.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Be glad you got a Nexus. It is the best phone to get in terms of software because it's constantly upgraded and it will be supported far longer than that of the Bionic. Not to mention that the Nexus is supported by the company who created the OS (Google) rather than a company who is simply adding a custom manufacturer skin to older versions of Android (which would be Motorola). The next major Android OS version is sure to come to the Galaxy Nexus (it will most likely receive it first) and I wouldn't be surprised if the Bionic never sees it.
Considering the amount of phone Moto has out now, Bionic is definitely not at the top of their list. And who knows, they might come out with 2 more before ICS hits their devices:D
Be glad you got a Nexus. It is the best phone to get in terms of software because it's constantly upgraded and it will be supported far longer than that of the Bionic. Not to mention that the Nexus is supported by the company who created the OS (Google) rather than a company who is simply adding a custom manufacturer skin to older versions of Android (which would be Motorola). The next major Android OS version is sure to come to the Galaxy Nexus (it will most likely receive it first) and I wouldn't be surprised if the Bionic never sees it.

Interesting. What about the fact that Google owns Motorola? Would Google begin to support them over other companies such as Samsung. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my Nexus. I am just a freak when it comes to wanting everything that has to do with technology. I just wish I could have a phone with everything in it. Lol wishful thinking. What about the fact that Sprint is getting the Nexus and that one will support Google Wallet while the Verizon on does not?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Interesting. What about the fact that Google owns Motorola? Would Google begin to support them over other companies such as Samsung. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my Nexus. I am just a freak when it comes to wanting everything that has to do with technology. I just wish I could have a phone with everything in it. Lol wishful thinking. What about the fact that Sprint is getting the Nexus and that one will support Google Wallet while the Verizon on does not?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Although Google has acquired Moto I don't see any Moto phones being a true Google experience. Moto really pushes their UI and possibly are looking to pushing their battery saving software. I saw the acquisition as another way for Google to profit over pushing a true Google experience onto the brand.