Since day 1 I've had data drops - alot of us have. I tried to be patient and wait for ICS to see if that helped - for me it did improve things and data drops became fewer and resolved more quickly.
Unfortunately, my phone dropped data about an hour ago an nothing I have done to fix it, including pulling the battery and SIM card have resolved it - I get no data at all - no 4g, no 3g, not even 1x. I've not seen a data drop this bad - I'm hoping that data will mysteriously just come back at some point (it better or I'm going to smash this paperweight into a million pieces).
Anyone have this problem on ICS? Any soltion? Will it resolve itself as it has in the past?
Unfortunately, my phone dropped data about an hour ago an nothing I have done to fix it, including pulling the battery and SIM card have resolved it - I get no data at all - no 4g, no 3g, not even 1x. I've not seen a data drop this bad - I'm hoping that data will mysteriously just come back at some point (it better or I'm going to smash this paperweight into a million pieces).
Anyone have this problem on ICS? Any soltion? Will it resolve itself as it has in the past?