I really hate being negative but...........................

I would stress again, if you are having battery problems I would shut it off now and not wait and let it charge to 100% unplug and use it till it hits 15 or 20% and then charge it fully again. But your choice indeed.
I cannot do that right now because my phone is used for business.

Also you are not charging through USB on a computer right? You are using the stock wall charger?
I tried both.
I cannot do that right now because my phone is used for business.

I tried both.

Okay well if you have to keep it on now, use the wall charger don't use the USB through computer.
Raydee, go into setting, and battery info, and get us a screenshot... you do that by holding power and volume down. Perhaps it will help us to help you :)

Honestly I would turn it off and charge I think you would see better results, and just leave it alone until it gets to 100%.

This would be my advice. These meters are really very fickle things and they can get pretty far out of whack, resulting in lying about the charge levels in both directions - has more than it says & has less than it says. The first one can result in it seemingly going from 30% remaining to completely dead in a matter of minutes. The second one can result in it appearing to be low, yet continue powering the phone for extended periods of time (in one example 8 hours playing music while showing 5% remaining the entire time).

This is the official OTA update, no root and all stock with the exception of some apps. I guess it could be possible that the battery just took a dump but if that is the case it is real odd that it happened as soon as the update came. Tonight before I go to bed I am going to turn the phone off and let it charge all night. I really hope that the Android battery meter isnt wrong and the phone is actually overcharging the battery. The back cover does feel a bit warm.

It's not unusual for the phone to consume more power for a while after such a sweeping update (and even after minor service updates), since there may be large caches of memory that were wiped clean in the process, various subroutines that were stored for later use that now have to be re-poplulated. Then there's various updates to software, email and account syncs, etc., so all told the phone typically consumes heavily for the first couple days.

Also you are not charging through USB on a computer right? You are using the stock wall charger?

I cannot do that right now because my phone is used for business. I tried both.

ALWAYS use the wall charger to be sure you are getting a full charge. Only use USB if you need to get a quick 10% to 20% boost.
This would be my advice. These meters are really very fickle things and they can get pretty far out of whack, resulting in lying about the charge levels in both directions - has more than it says & has less than it says. The first one can result in it seemingly going from 30% remaining to completely dead in a matter of minutes. The second one can result in it appearing to be low, yet continue powering the phone for extended periods of time (in one example 8 hours playing music while showing 5% remaining the entire time).

It's not unusual for the phone to consume more power for a while after such a sweeping update (and even after minor service updates), since there may be large caches of memory that were wiped clean in the process, various subroutines that were stored for later use that now have to be re-poplulated. Then there's various updates to software, email and account syncs, etc., so all told the phone typically consumes heavily for the first couple days.
Yes I am def aware of that and had no problem with the battery draining fast after the update. The problem came when I tried to charge the battery after it was dead.

ALWAYS use the wall charger to be sure you are getting a full charge. Only use USB if you need to get a quick 10% to 20% boost.
I normally only use the USB to take files off the phone. The only reason I tried it to charge the phone today was because the regular wall charger was not working correctly.
Ok so the update is the phone finally got to 100% charge after 10 hours today. I am now using it like crazy to get it down to 15% so I can turn it off and give it a full charge over night. Cross your fingers ;)
Good deal.. you'd be surprised how much it helps to turn off your device and charge it..

Keep us apprised :)

OK well I ran the battery down last night to 15% then I shut it off and plugged it into the wall charger for the night. Woke up this morning at 5am and the battery showed 100%. Within ten minutes of taking it off charge the battery indicator showed that I was already down to 90% charge and in 45 minutes down to 82% charge. Keep in mind that all I did was check email. I noticed that the screen was really hot. I then went into the processes to see what was going on and the MEDIA process appears to be eating the battery. This is not something that is new for me, when I had GB the media process would eat my battery but ONLY after having the phone plugged into the USB on my computer. I got into the habit of shutting the process down immediately after unplugging the USB and everything was fine. Now it seems that the process comes on even without using the USB on the computer. Once I end the process it the battery drain is gone and the screen cools right down. Now the question is what is causing the process to start and what can I do to prevent it from happening all the time. I have already done a full factory reset and disabled all the apps that I don't use on the phone. I even deleted a bunch of apps but it doesn't seem like a app that is the cause. I notice that even if I play a video on my phone that it will start the media process again and if I don't physically end the process it will eat the battery even with the phone sitting at idle. I am leaning toward the backup and sync program as the cause but I am not 100% sure. I have now been on the phone for about 45 minutes checking email, posting here and other things and I used about 3% of the battery compared to 20% when the media process was running.

So now that I let the phone go to 15% and then shut it off and fully charged the phone what is the next step. Can I plug the phone into the charger like normal or should I wait until it drops to 15% again t make sure the battery is calibrated?
Not necessary, 100%, 15% 100% and then back to your normal routine.

As for that media process, good luck isolating it. It's a bummer that it's sucking so much power. I hope you find it. :)

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
OK well I ran the battery down last night to 15% then I shut it off and plugged it into the wall charger for the night. Woke up this morning at 5am and the battery showed 100%. Within ten minutes of taking it off charge the battery indicator showed that I was already down to 90% charge and in 45 minutes down to 82% charge. Keep in mind that all I did was check email. I noticed that the screen was really hot. I then went into the processes to see what was going on and the MEDIA process appears to be eating the battery. This is not something that is new for me, when I had GB the media process would eat my battery but ONLY after having the phone plugged into the USB on my computer. I got into the habit of shutting the process down immediately after unplugging the USB and everything was fine. Now it seems that the process comes on even without using the USB on the computer. Once I end the process it the battery drain is gone and the screen cools right down. Now the question is what is causing the process to start and what can I do to prevent it from happening all the time. I have already done a full factory reset and disabled all the apps that I don't use on the phone. I even deleted a bunch of apps but it doesn't seem like a app that is the cause. I notice that even if I play a video on my phone that it will start the media process again and if I don't physically end the process it will eat the battery even with the phone sitting at idle. I am leaning toward the backup and sync program as the cause but I am not 100% sure. I have now been on the phone for about 45 minutes checking email, posting here and other things and I used about 3% of the battery compared to 20% when the media process was running.

So now that I let the phone go to 15% and then shut it off and fully charged the phone what is the next step. Can I plug the phone into the charger like normal or should I wait until it drops to 15% again t make sure the battery is calibrated?

Do you have Motocast set up? It tends to use up a lot of juice to sync all your files.
No I deleted it off my PC when I first had the MEDIA process problem. I think yesterday when my battery wouldn't charge that the media process was on the whole time and was sucking so much of the battery that the charger couldnt even keep up. I am going to see if it comes on again today and try to isolate the exact app that is causing it to come on. I thought but I am not 100% sure that the process I closed that in turn stopped the media process was backup and sync.
Here's what I do with my phone and it helps. Unless I am actively using, I turn off Wifi, GPS, 4G/3G (Get the HTC thunderbolt 4G/3G toggle app to switch to 3G only as 4G is a battery hog), turn off all location tools. I also disable ALL syncing. Myself I prefer to manually manage what I want to sync when I want to sync. The only auto-sync I have is the Backup assistant. Every night I charge my phone I always do so with it OFF.

I turned my phone on at 7:30 AM, drove to work with bluetooth on, turned it off when I got to work. Used my phone for maybe 5 mins total afterwards and as of now I am at 94% battery. The key is to make sure nothing is running in the background that doesn't have to be running.
Here's what I do with my phone and it helps. Unless I am actively using, I turn off Wifi, GPS, 4G/3G (Get the HTC thunderbolt 4G/3G toggle app to switch to 3G only as 4G is a battery hog), turn off all location tools. I also disable ALL syncing. Myself I prefer to manually manage what I want to sync when I want to sync. The only auto-sync I have is the Backup assistant. Every night I charge my phone I always do so with it OFF.

I turned my phone on at 7:30 AM, drove to work with bluetooth on, turned it off when I got to work. Used my phone for maybe 5 mins total afterwards and as of now I am at 94% battery. The key is to make sure nothing is running in the background that doesn't have to be running.

That is great and all but you are turning off every feature of your phone just to have decent battery life. I am on board with you on the 3G only, but keeping WIFI on when available will actually give you better battery life. Also I have noticed that leaving GPS on all the time really does not have much of a difference either.

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I got that yesterday with nothing turned off by 4G and I was using WIFI all morning. I only sent a few text messages, emails, checked FB, played a round of DrawSomething, plus taking and uploading the screen shots. I am just not sure we should have to turn everything off to get good battery life, might as well walk around with a brick in our pockets :)