So for some reason my update to ICS fails to install. No info given by phone as to why. I have all the system apps unfrozen and put in the build.prop from a different thread with people who fixed their problem with that. Nothing. Still won't update and gives no reason. I do notice, however, that 1. Backup Assistant+ does not work correctly and 2. I have more files in my system/app folder than the D4 dump on this forum shows. Could that be a problem?
I'd like to just flash .215 (I think that's latest GB version) onto the phone so I can get the OTA update. This is mainly because my other phone couldn't receive updates after I installed a ROM and I'd like to be able to get future updates easily if they ever come out.
I know nothing about the process for doing this on the D4. I have it rooted, but no safestrap, bootloader, voodoo, etc. I rooted using the utility on the forums and have ROM Toolbox for my other needs.
What do I need to download? What order do I do everything in? Is there a video for how to do this all?
edit: I currently have 6.13.215... I don't know where .219 came from
edit2: Tried to flash ICS using the Droid 4 utility w/ ICS Leak Fix and Root thingy. Started to install but failed saying the build.prop wasn't correct. Put the build.prop back in and made sure everything was read only again. Tried the OTA Update. No go. Tried to flash stock rom through AP Fastboot. No go (says error: can't find 'file name').
No it is stuck in a force close of phone and text message. Help?
I'd like to just flash .215 (I think that's latest GB version) onto the phone so I can get the OTA update. This is mainly because my other phone couldn't receive updates after I installed a ROM and I'd like to be able to get future updates easily if they ever come out.
I know nothing about the process for doing this on the D4. I have it rooted, but no safestrap, bootloader, voodoo, etc. I rooted using the utility on the forums and have ROM Toolbox for my other needs.
What do I need to download? What order do I do everything in? Is there a video for how to do this all?
edit: I currently have 6.13.215... I don't know where .219 came from
edit2: Tried to flash ICS using the Droid 4 utility w/ ICS Leak Fix and Root thingy. Started to install but failed saying the build.prop wasn't correct. Put the build.prop back in and made sure everything was read only again. Tried the OTA Update. No go. Tried to flash stock rom through AP Fastboot. No go (says error: can't find 'file name').
No it is stuck in a force close of phone and text message. Help?