My lady is thinking of upgrading her phone which I think is a good idea. The issue is that she isn't interested in spending a lot of money on one which I completely understand. She has the Atrix 4G, the phone I was envious of for a long while because Verizon at the time didn't have an equal, and it really is a little great phone. I was trying to tell her about the SG SIII, which is the phone I'm considering or the Razr HD, and she really likes it but like I said she doesn't want to spend that much for the upgrade. So we went on the the AT&T website and she saw the SG SII for $10 on a new plan or upgrade. I love the SG SII but I don't think its that huge of a difference of what she already has. I can think of the pluses which are, bigger screen, better camera, better processor and better performance. Sounds good but the Atrix isn't bad in those categories except maybe camera. Droid-Life I need your help on this one. I know this isn't a Droid issue but I am Droid owner, so if you could help a brother out with this one, I'd appreciate it.