I Have a problem


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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I Have a rooted Inc and I have installed a couple of different ROMs and they booted just fine, but for some reason now, no matter what I do I cant get the phone past the splash screen of any of the roms I have Installed. What should I do to fix this problem, and is there any way to go back to stock even though I can boot? If you know anything please be specific on how I can can somehow fix this, Im new to all this all I know how to do is install im no developer
I have tried, resetting data, wiping cache, and formatting the sd card and redownloading the rom. It was doing this at first, then it worked, but now no matter what I just get a black android spash screen. Is there any way for me to unroot and go back to default without it booting?
update- I have tried to go back to stock with the RUU but I seem to be stuck in a bootloop
Hmmm...I've had that problem before. I pulled a noob move and tried updating my radio. Instant brick. I'm not sure if I can help you :/
did the bootloader update before you tried flashing the RUU? Make sure the versions match