I picked up my phone dead phone ... thought "What the heck" and pressed power button ...
Last time I got it to work, as you guys know the next time it had black screen AGAIN .. I have deleted almost all apps from phone. I am installing an sms/call forward on the darn thing .. but what is going on? Why does it work then not work?
It doesn't heat when I charge anymore. I don't get it and VZW "Honestly have no clue ma'am" ...so
I am counting on you most brilliant droid forums members .. please help me figure out what is going on lol
Your most awesome for replying .. thank you.
I did battery pull, I did dance with battery, said please, and even promised never to upgrade to a phone that WORKS .. still no go.
The phone works, everything works just fine except I have a black screen. You see nothing. Sound works, everything works. Right now I am getting anything I want off of it and deleting everything. I will probably factory reset just to be safe.
Possibilities I have come up with
1)Not so nice CPR (phone repair place) did not do a great job on replacing screen second time (your not supposed to be able to move the screen right ? ..omg)
2)I have got something on there running which is heating up phone ..the thermo detector that was recommended by someone here told me phone was hot . but that seems to have stopped ... so app maybe? that I deleted?
3)my phone is possessed and has decided to try and make me go nuts .. and it is working. I have researched for hours! (See time of first post, then time of this post ...yes, have been staring at laptop screen looking for answers) .. I am decent when it comes to phones, people bring me their phones to fix ...
but I am stumped with this
Just to be clear, the phone turns on and turns off just fine .. (even though screen is black, I remember where "power off" is and remember to swipe lock first lol) only issue is the screen is black ...can't see nuffin
Last time this problem repeated I let phone nearly die ... so this time I am keeping charged ... I am scared to turn it off though fearing screen won't work when I turn it on.
I have app on phone now that forwards everything .. and can be remotely triggered. Still getting few things off that weren't on SD card (which I took out and now am scared to shut down phone to put back in lol)
The screen is possessed I am telling you....it overheard me talking about getting the Bionic or Razr I am sure