Thanks up front for any help I can get with this one. I have an unrooted droid 1 and I want to change the theme. I am currently useing launcherpro.
Is there any way I can get the HTC clock or calender unrooted? If so can someone PLEASE send me the links. I looked all over the market place and found nothing. I also used the SEARCH button on here and found a bunch of themes but they seem really complicated.
I need a new ROM or something?
Hi, Charles
We all started somewhere and were new at one point, so the only time you should ever feel stupid is if you do not try to learn and stop asking questions.
(OK maybe if you refuse to use search, but you've done that, so you're off the hook there)
Theming can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and there are a lot of ways that you can customize your phone. Now, all of these are going to come with varying levels of difficulty, and the most intense and deep customizations are usually the most complex or "techy" as well. Which ever way you decide to go, there are a lot of people here who are more than willing to help you out along the way, so here are a few options for you.
Widgets and apps
I'll definitely second backnblack's suggestion for Beautiful Widgets, its a great app-highly customizable and well supported by the dev and the community.
Another app you might want to check out is FolderOrganizer, which will give you a lot of customization options for folders and icons.
Launchers and Homescreen Replacements
A new launcher will replace the stock launcher at the bottom of your screen and add customization and/or additional features. Since you're already using LauncherPro, you are familiar with this, but there are others available, so try a few of them out. A search for the term "launcher" here or in the market will give you a lot of options and opinions, many of them are free or have free versions.
Homescreen replacements will probably give you the greatest level of customization without rooting. There are many available, including Home++, OpenHome, PandaHome and many more.
Personally, I use a pretty extreme homescreen replacement called SweeterHome. This is by far the most customizable and will allow you to create complete themes, launchers and GUIs for you phone, but also has a higher learning curve. You can download additional themes that other users have posted, but there is still some basic knowledge of the very deep editing possibilities in the program.
Rooting and ROMs
This takes the training wheels off and opens up virtually endless possibilities of different ROMs, kernels and themes, however, there are risks associated with it as well, so please do some homework as to the risks and rewards, as well as the tools needed to do this. I am rooted, and I love it, but I'm a tweaker and I enjoy doing brain surgery on the phone-not everybody does, and that's OK.
There are entire sections of this forum devoted to rooting, so I won't go into that in detail other than to say-do the research, read and ask questions before doing this. There are some tempting options out there that offer one-button rooting (*cough-EasyRoot-cough*). Do not be seduced by these. Rooting your phone the "long" way will not only give you better results, but will get you familiar with the tools you will likely use as you work with and modify your newly rooted phone. I don't say this to be intimidating, I just want to make sure that you know what the real deal is.
Hope that helps, and good luck.