Hulu updated, allows Android users to watch shows and movies for free


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Jan 30, 2012
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Hulu users have long become accustomed to the idea that they need to have a monthly subscription if they want to watch their favorite shows (and older movies) on their mobile devices. The good news is that this is about to change, as a new update is rolling out that allows folks to watch a fair amount of content for absolutely free!

From the sounds of it, almost every show you can watch for free on the desktop will also be available on mobile devices. Hulu says there are a few exceptions here, but they don’t go into any detail as to what shows or movies are excluded. Needless to say this is a huge move for Hulu, and a very welcome one. Here’s to hoping that a similar change eventually finds its way to devices like Roku and game consoles as well, though I wouldn’t hold my breath.

For those with Hulu Plus subscriptions, what do you think of the move, does this make you less interested in holding onto your subscription? For those that don’t use Hulu right now, does the inclusion of free mobile viewing tempt you at all? To start watching content without the need of a monthly subscription, you’ll want to grab the latest version of the app from Google Play.

Via:The Verge
I'm a huge HULU fan on the computer.
As a free viewing option on handset, that's pretty slick , and looking forward to trying it.
Thanks for heads up.