Installed on my D2 (rooted with stock froyo). Content browsing seems to work but content gets stuck buffering. I'll tinker with it later. I know its not my network because hulu works fines elsewhere in the house.
I'm a bit torn about hulu these days. I think conceptually it is brilliant, but the execution is lacking. I am a hulu plus subscriber, and have the hulu app running a PS3, Xbox360, samsung TV, ipad, iphone and now my droid2. Generally speaking the apps all work well. My issue is with the content. Hulu plus was supposed liberate me from my PC, yet a majority of the content I want to watch is still deemed "PC only". And, the promise of Hulu+ was that the user would have access to full seasons of episodes rather than the most recent 3 or 4. Hulu+ has failed to deliver on these 2 very basic promises. I'm sure this is a licensing issue, and I am dumbfounded how the media companies are still hung up on outdated licensing models. They need to catch up with the times because until they do they will continue to lose subscribers.