HTC Thunderbolt Screen Shot


New Member
Dec 16, 2010
Reaction score
Southern California
I've got a non-rooted Thunderbolt and i'm trying to find a screen shot app. The only app i've found requires you to hook the phone up to the computer for a couple instillation steps and then is reset once the phone is restarted. I dont wanna have to hook the phone up to the computer every time i wanna take a screen shot. I guess i dont understand why iPhones are able to do this and Droids aren't when droid are by far superior. Help people! Thanks!
I would have hoped developers would have implemented the screen-shot ability. That is one of the things I do miss about my iPhone. I'm curious too. Anyone?
I think it is a root only function. Gingerbread may have support for them, bit I don't know.

Sent from my BAMF'd 'bolt
all you have to do is root and get the drocap2 app, great app for screen shots, and rooting is fairly simple......