Thanks BeachinPhx. I thought I might get grilled for going slightly off topic, but I have to say I wish the G2X were coming to Verizon at $200. I've got one week left to decide.
nice review. I dont hear any word of the g2x going to Verizon. and with nothing coming 4g dual core probably until sept. 299 for the charge(what will they charge for real new tech phones). i am paying the early term fee(190) and have switched to t mobile and the g2x. I can tell you this is an awesome phone. only lacking thing is 512 of ram. but i have Regina,go,stock,adw all installed and switch between them. mainly now for testing and pushing the phone before the 2 weeks is up. and no lag whatsever no redraws. just the launchers them selfs building data bases like regina does some stuff but you only know because it is along the top telling you. not sure why it says htc rooting friendly or whatever on the poll they are the ones that are doing things with their bootloaders. while samsung has come out and stated unless they are forced they will not.(who knows if thats true) but thats what they said. I agree the s-2 has the specs for sure. and if it turns out to be developer friendly might have to sell the g2x and move to it which im sure will be on tmobile before verizon. i had come from att so verizon was great service wise for me. but that was about all i like about verizon not liking the direction they are heading. already have 4g on tmobile here wont have on verizon for another year at least i know tmobile isnt greatest coverage every whre but has good service here.. the g2x has already been rooted and recovery went up on rommanger today and it was only released 4 days ago , already videos and pics of cm7 on it(not complete of course) already someone working on porting sense 3 to it. (well see if thats successful

) . the sensation , g2-2, evo 3d .. are all great phones. just that the gx2 is in front of me now while only a date of june 8th has been mentioned for the sensation and noone knows if thats a release date or what. and if you dont care about 4g motorola has some awesome devices coming this summer. its gonna be a year where you just have to be happy with your decision because there are going to be too many options- i see at least 7 phones by summer and probably 10 by end of the year that will be super phones. and thats not including the thunderbolt which is a fine phone in its own right from what people say . and what i saw at the store. I may have stayed verizon and got it if it wasnt for the no hdmi a option that was a must for me.
Only thing that im unhappy with is that droid forums has become a home for me and its pretty much verizon. so while ill hang around and try to contiune to help people out , it is a bummer that my g2x life wont be here and is just not very active so xda is really all ive found , and its just not the homey atmosphere that we have here.
so on your pole id have to go galaxy s-2 but would have to see that samsung supports it here in the states as they have been to overseas but not here. and htc needs to show a little more on openness front and care for battery life.
to have a extended battery with cover available with release of the phone reminds me of apple and their bumpers we know we are selling a flawed product so lets put out something to fix it and charge them again. Just something that makes me not quite trust them.
sorry about the short post