For any folks who want to get the HTC One M9 on Verizon, and are undaunted by its potential Snapdragon 810 heat issues, there's a new deal that might get your attention. HTC and Verizon teamed up to offer a $100 Google Play Store credit to folks who buy the HTC One M9 on a contract with Verizon right now.
The offer is good for the Verizon version of the HTC One M9 only, and will run from July 1st through August 30th. To take advantage of this offer you will need to send HTC a proof of purchase and some additional info. This will net you a coupon code that can only be added to a Google Wallet account before September 30th.
For more info, here's a source link: googleplay HTC United States
Don't forget to check out our dedicated HTC One M9 section here: HTC One M9 and M9 plus Android Forum at