How do I uninstall system apps with terminal emulator? Could anyone give me the proper procedure to that? Thanks you in advance
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How do I uninstall system apps with terminal emulator? Could anyone give me the proper procedure to that? Thanks you in advance
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What system app do you want to uninstall? Some can be and other cannot without causing FC issues.
How do I uninstall system apps with terminal emulator? Could anyone give me the proper procedure to that? Thanks you in advance
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
What system app do you want to uninstall? Some can be and other cannot without causing FC issues.
Like google talk, dsp manager ,car home
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
How do I uninstall system apps with terminal emulator? Could anyone give me the proper procedure to that? Thanks you in advance
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
What system app do you want to uninstall? Some can be and other cannot without causing FC issues.
Like google talk, dsp manager ,car home
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
What system app do you want to uninstall? Some can be and other cannot without causing FC issues.
Like google talk, dsp manager ,car home
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
You can use terminal emulator to remove system apps.
su to gain root
sysrw will mount the system as writable
cd /system/app will move you to the system app directory
ls will list the apps in the directory
rm xxx.apk will remove the app you want.
sysro will mount the system back as read only
I am not sure about 6.17, but I know that 6.10 would give you FC loop on boot if you removed google talk. Something about it is cooked into the system.
You should be fine removing car home, genie widget, and gallery3d. I would have moved them to /data/apps to make it easier to remove but they wouldn't work there.
Anything else you remove, I can't guarantee the results because they came with MIUI and I didn't add them.
If you want, instead of removing them, you can rename them with the command
mv xx.apk xx.bak
That should take them off the launcher and test if there are any problems with completely removing them. If everything is good, then you can repeat the procedure and us rm to remove the app completely.
I also use TB to remove unwanted apps like "Talk". I have had good luck with it not causing any force closes.
Let TB do a back up, then uninstall. With the back up, if there is any issue, you can put it back.