Here's a simple little tutorial that I threw together of how to get ADB up and running on on Mac OSX.
Setting up ADB on Mac OSX
1. Download the Android SDK for Mac OSX. Android SDK | Android Developers
2. Extract the zip file to any destination on your Mac. *Remember its path!*
In the AndroidSDK folder, there will be a folder named “tools”. We will be adding this folder to the path on Mac OSX.
3. To do this click on Finder > Go > Utilities > Terminal.
4. Type in without quotations “cd ~/” Hit enter after every command for the n00bs.
5. Next, type "touch .bash_profile" to create your new bash or otherwise known path file.
6. Next, type "open -e .bash_profile" to open it in TextEdit. A TextEdit window will open, copy and past this into that window. Screenshot of TextEdit and Terminal with all commands
My example:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/Tanuj/Desktop/androidsdk/tools
What yours should look like:
export PATH=${PATH}:insert your path to the tools folder in your android sdk here
7. Next, go to file and save your changes to the text file and close the TextEdit window.
8. In the terminal window that is still open, type “. .bashrc” This command will save the changes once again you made to your .bash_profile file
10. ADB should be set up! On your Droid X navigate to Settings > Applications > Development > and make sure USB debugging is checked. To test if ADB works, connect your Droid X to your Mac via micro-USB cable and set it to charging only mode in the notification bar.
11. Open up terminal on your Mac and type in “adb devices” once again do not type the quotations. Your phone should be listed as a number below.
If this method worked for you please say thanks! I couldn't find any tutorials on how to do this for Mac and had to figure it out myself. A simple thanks would be nice!
Also if this method does not work for you, feel free to post your problems here or PM me.
Setting up ADB on Mac OSX
1. Download the Android SDK for Mac OSX. Android SDK | Android Developers
2. Extract the zip file to any destination on your Mac. *Remember its path!*
In the AndroidSDK folder, there will be a folder named “tools”. We will be adding this folder to the path on Mac OSX.
3. To do this click on Finder > Go > Utilities > Terminal.
4. Type in without quotations “cd ~/” Hit enter after every command for the n00bs.
5. Next, type "touch .bash_profile" to create your new bash or otherwise known path file.
6. Next, type "open -e .bash_profile" to open it in TextEdit. A TextEdit window will open, copy and past this into that window. Screenshot of TextEdit and Terminal with all commands
My example:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/Tanuj/Desktop/androidsdk/tools
What yours should look like:
export PATH=${PATH}:insert your path to the tools folder in your android sdk here
7. Next, go to file and save your changes to the text file and close the TextEdit window.
8. In the terminal window that is still open, type “. .bashrc” This command will save the changes once again you made to your .bash_profile file
10. ADB should be set up! On your Droid X navigate to Settings > Applications > Development > and make sure USB debugging is checked. To test if ADB works, connect your Droid X to your Mac via micro-USB cable and set it to charging only mode in the notification bar.
11. Open up terminal on your Mac and type in “adb devices” once again do not type the quotations. Your phone should be listed as a number below.
If this method worked for you please say thanks! I couldn't find any tutorials on how to do this for Mac and had to figure it out myself. A simple thanks would be nice!
Also if this method does not work for you, feel free to post your problems here or PM me.