If you grabbed a Nexus 5 the other day when they released you are probably about ready to root it and flash some mods, if you haven't already. The best part of a Nexus device is the fact that it is incredibly easy to unlock the bootloader and root since it is a developer device. Before you get started on rooting your Nexus 5 you will need to first
unlock the bootloader. Once the bootloader is unlocked you can proceed to rooting. There are several root tools and one click methods for rooting Nexus devices, however if you are looking to mod your device it is good to know how to do things manually and get comfortable with ADB. While it is not absolutely necessary to learn the manual method it is fun to learn these things.
Grab the latest SuperUser file
here and place on your sdcard for flashing later.
1. Download the latest
TWRP recovery to your PC
2. Place the recovery in the Platform-tools folder of the sdk
3. Connect your phone to the PC with usb cable
4. In a command prompt type "adb reboot bootloader"
5. Once in Bootloader type "fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-" or whatever the recovery name is
6. reboot to recovery by pressing volume down until you see recovery then press power to select
7. Once in recovery you will install zip from sdcard, find and select the SuperUser.zip
8. Reboot and Enjoy!