My wife and i have experienced many bugs with .244. Hers have been very different from mine. We are both running on Bionic. Mine is also rooted with G Now installed. Most of the bugs are related to using HD media docks and car docks.
With the hopefully soon official release, we just want to return to the current official GB and wait for ICS official OTA.
Is this as simple as just flashing .905? If so, where can i find the file? Or is there more that needs to be done? Also need to be unrooted when we are finished.
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide.
With the hopefully soon official release, we just want to return to the current official GB and wait for ICS official OTA.
Is this as simple as just flashing .905? If so, where can i find the file? Or is there more that needs to be done? Also need to be unrooted when we are finished.
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide.