How To Restore Back To Original For Update


New Member
Feb 9, 2012
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Hey guys, I'm new to the whole rooting thing so forgive me. I recently rooted my RAZR and installed Safestrap, Titanium, etc. Being the idiot I am I deleted a lot of the bloatware instead of freezing it and now when i tried installing the 173 update, I get an install failed, I'm assuming it's due to my deleted bloatware. After doing much research on various forums and trying to replace my preinstall folder, I'm still having no luck. Instead of messing something up is there a way I can just restore my phone back to the way it was when I got it and have all the original apps restored? I'd also like to keep all my contacts which I've backed up using Verizon's software, also I want to keep my music files and pictures, so I'm assuming they will have to get moved onto my SD card. Sorry about writing a whole novel about this, I've exhausted every effort to try and figure this out and everything is either too complicated for me to understand or I just don't want to do something I'm not sure of and end up bricking my phone. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Hey guys, I'm new to the whole rooting thing so forgive me. I recently rooted my RAZR and installed Safestrap, Titanium, etc. Being the idiot I am I deleted a lot of the bloatware instead of freezing it and now when i tried installing the 173 update, I get an install failed, I'm assuming it's due to my deleted bloatware. After doing much research on various forums and trying to replace my preinstall folder, I'm still having no luck. Instead of messing something up is there a way I can just restore my phone back to the way it was when I got it and have all the original apps restored? I'd also like to keep all my contacts which I've backed up using Verizon's software, also I want to keep my music files and pictures, so I'm assuming they will have to get moved onto my SD card. Sorry about writing a whole novel about this, I've exhausted every effort to try and figure this out and everything is either too complicated for me to understand or I just don't want to do something I'm not sure of and end up bricking my phone. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

You will need to flash the Fastboot ROM, then go the route of the OTA updates. You will not lose any apps or settings.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Thanks a bunch! So once I use the fastboot flash and flash it back to stock, all the files I messed with and whatnot will be straightened out right? Also, will I lose my root? Not that it matters I'm just worried about getting the update installed and then, if it's needed, rerooting (and freeze the bloatware instead of removing it lol).

Actually nevermind, it worked like a dream! It's updating now with no problems, Thank you so much, I'd be lost without your help!
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